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“Imogen, what’s the matter. What’s going on outside?” Poppy called out to me as I ran down the hall.

Poppy caught up with me in the bedroom where I was trying on a pair of sneakers. “They’re here. They found me,” I cried out. “He’s gonna kill me this time.”

“Don’t run away. I don’t know who they are, but let me make a few phone calls,” Poppy ordered, handing me Lionel. “Take care of him for me. Who are they?”

“The police. There are four cars here at the hotel. He found me.” I laid back on the bed where I had been sitting, tying my shoes

Poppy walked over to the bedroom window to look out, then dialed her cell. “I see police cars out front. What is the problem?” I heard her ask someone. “Thank you. Let me know if you need my assistance. Otherwise, I do not want to be disturbed, by anyone.”

“What did they say? Are they coming up?’ I practically begged.

“They said we need to nosh up and relax and I, for one, would love some chips,” Poppy said, pulling me up from the bed. “Your hands are shaking. Oh boy, listen. Two men got in a blue. Flynn called the police, and that’s all they’re here for. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have made a joke.”

“It’s ok, I’m just a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock,” I moaned as I allowed her to drag me to the kitchen. “How soon am I getting out of Australia? I’m about to go troppo.”

I plopped down in a chair while Poppy started pulling things out of the kitchen cabinet. “We have to meet with Asher this afternoon. Is there anything you want to do before that?”

“I think I need to keep hiding, maybe under the bed. Do you have any trap rooms like the car had?” I started my usual pacing. I passed by the windows again to find the police cars had already left. “I’m acting like a lunatic. I’m so sorry.”

“No dramas, girl. I haven’t been in your shoes, but I’ve had some rough times myself. We all go troppo sometimes,” Poppy said, tossing chips in a deep fryer. “You want a saveloy with these chips?”

“No, just the chips. I’m feeling stuffed still. I think I’ll nap again after we eat,” I said, walking into the kitchen to offer my help. “I had a captain cook in the mirror earlier, and I hated how I looked. The least I can do is not look stuffed too.”

Poppy placed a plate of chips on the table, then turned and pulled the frig open. “What do you like on your chips? I’m a vinegar girl myself, but we have everything.”

Lionel came out of nowhere running circles around the table until Poppy lifted him up to a chair. He chirped repeatedly until she placed three chips in front of him, yet he still chirped without touching the chips.

“Yes, you may have those chips now. Thank you for being so behaved.” Poppy kissed Lionel on the head. “He didn’t have these perfect manners when we met, but he learned quickly.”

The three of us ate our chips in silence. Then I excused myself to go lay down. I was halfway down the hall when Poppy called out.

“Kellan just texted that Asher has arrived, and they’ll be here between one and two pm. The dresses will be here any minute, and I have a girl coming up from the salon to do your nails and makeup.”

“Is all this really necessary? I mean, my face is a shemozzle. No make-up is going to fix that,” I said, pointing into the hall mirror.

“Asher likes sheilas that are refined. You need make up, manicures and the dresses that arrived while you were napping earlier.” Poppy clapped her hands. “I ordered shoes too. Wait ‘til you see the red stilettos. They match your hair.”

“I’m just going to close my eyes for thirty minutes. When I get up, we can go through the dresses,” I said. “Did you say red stilettos?”

Chapter 14


“No, no that’s okay. Not today, as of yet.” I answered as if maybe there would be someone tomorrow or the next day.

Kellan suddenly changed the subject. “The girl Asher is supposed to be marrying is at the hotel with Poppy. I’m not sure what we’re going to do with her if Asher doesn’t follow through.”

“’Do with her’? Don’t we just release her from the contract, let her keep the money, and move on?” I asked, confused as to why this was a discussion at all.

“There’s more to it than that. Poppy and Mia, and now mom, have taken to this girl. She’s had a rough go. Hence, Gunner up there.” Kellan went on “Her boyfriend, the head sheriff, has been beating her up pretty badly for over a year, and every time she tries to leave, he hunts her down and beats her again.”

“Whose idea was it to pick a girl with trouble like this?” I asked.

“We’re hiding her in the hotel until Asher gets here and takes her away,” Kellan explained. “The situation is bad and I’m not sure this ex of hers won’t try to show up at the hotel, demanding to search it.”

“You really have to be kidding me with this. Help this woman, of course, but leave her safety in the hands of Asher? That’s all I have to say.”

“Gunner was hired to not only protect her, but to also protect the family, and I for one feel pretty safe with him around,” Kellan said, looking at his cell.
