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I smiled at Gunner when he looked at Asher like he wanted to smack him.

I’d been noticing since we met that Asher had two personalities. He also seemed to change the way he did his hair. When we left Australia, he was dressed more business-like than when we left the plane. Instead of staying dressed for business, he changed into a pair of jeans, polo shirt, and boat shoes. Yet he had asked me back in Sydney to wear the red stilettos to travel.

So why ask me to wear red stilettos if you’re going to wear boat shoes and jeans? It seems to me he likes his women to be a show piece. I’m no show piece, but I’ll go along with it for now.

The elevator doors opened to a stunning suite, all in greys and purples. Gunner let out a low whistle.

“Did I hear you say this is August’s suite?” I asked, wondering who August was. “Do you have your own suite?”

“Yes, it’s on the other side of the elevator,” Asher answered, distracted by a stack of papers on the table by the door. “I, um, started some work on it before I knew I’d be coming here with you.”

“Who’s August?” I asked, wandering around the living room. “He has great taste. This coloring is perfect and his eye for detail is outstanding.”

When he didn’t answer I stopped talking and waited. If I’d been looking at a watch, I was sure it would have shown me five full minutes had passed waiting for an answer. Gunner had left to find a restroom.

“Asher?” I called from the other side of the room. “Hello, Asher?”

Gunner had walked back into the room near Asher, and I could hear him clear his throat extra loud. When Asher looked up, Gunner pointed to me.

“Were you talking to me? I didn’t hear you, I was reading this letter. What did you say?”

“It wasn’t that important, I just asked who August is,” I repeated. “He won’t mind we’re in his place, will he?”

“August is my brother, and my partner, so no, he will not mind at all. How do you like the architectural details?”

Could have sworn I just mentioned the details.

“It feels like I walked into a painting. What does your place look like? I’d love to see it.” I said.

“I’ll have to speak with the contractor to see if it’s okay to go in.” Asher said.

“Whatever you think is best. Where is my room?” I asked, pointing down both hallways.

“Oh right, let’s get you and Gunner settled in.” He put the mail back on the table. “Don’t worry about the bags, Gunner. My personal concierge will be up any minute and she will get you unpacked. Now follow me and I’ll show you to your rooms.”

We stopped halfway down the hall in front of an olive green and blue room. Asher suggested Gunner take that one, then waved me to follow him further down the hall. There was a room on either side.

“Take your pick.” He leaned against the wall while I peeked in each room. “Are you a white girl or a yellow girl?”

“I’ll definitely take this white room. It’s like a princess room.” I walked around looking at everything in awe.

“Is something missing?” Asher chuckled at my investigating. “You seem to be searching for something.”

“I was looking for the magic wand or at least the glass slippers,” I joked. “There’s not even mice to wave the magic wand over.”

“Ah yes, that’s true, but there is a fireplace full of soot waiting to be cleaned.” He raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps the mice are hiding in there.”

I walked over to the fireplace to find it spotless. I had to laugh because he got me to check it. He had completely made up the soot thing. The pristine white marble fireplace was in fact gas. I flipped the switch on the wall and turned on the fire. It was only slightly chilly outside, but I already knew I’d have the fireplace on all night, just for ambiance if nothing else.

“Is there anything we need to do out in the public eye?” I asked, not knowing what to do with myself. “If not, then I think I’d like to get a hot shower. I have no idea what was in that water.”

“That’s a good idea, I might do the same thing,” Asher said, now leaning on the door jam. “We should go get dinner in a few hours. I’ll have my assistant make us a reservation somewhere that will be full of other people being hounded by paparazzi.”

“Alright, I’ll make sure I’m ready. Should I wear the red stilettos?” I watched an array of emotions cross his face. “Did I say something wrong again?”

“No, I just have a headache setting in again,” he said, pushing off the door. “If you need anything, just pick up the phone and hit 5. Halima will do whatever you need.”

“You don’t look so great, go get that shower and rest,” I said, smiling. “I’ll be fine on my own.”
