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“That’s cheating. You’re a cheater,” he said as he sped past me. “And you’re jogging, and we’re supposed to be walking.”

He was right, I was practically running. He was already ten feet ahead of me now and I wasn’t catching up. I watched in mock horror as he race-walked to the top step of the hotel and began his Rocky imitation. I looked back to see where Gunner was, only to find the traitor a few steps behind me laughing and cheering Asher on.

“Bond. You’re supposed to have my back, not his,” I gasped.

“A win is a win. Besides, you won at the fountain,” Gunner said. “Isn’t it his turn?”

Asher was still jumping around like Rocky when we met him at the top. The silliness of the whole thing made me laugh too.

This must be the fun-loving playboy side of him everyone was talking about.

“You’re the winner, this time,” I gave in peacefully. “Do you know where we’re eating dinner?”

“Nah, I don’t care truthfully. I just wanted to be the winner,” he said looking around. “Let’s get some coffee.”

“Coffee? After race-walking?” I asked. “Tea maybe, or better yet, ice cream.”

“Ice cream? Before dinner?” Asher asked. “That’ll be a new one for me.”

“Winning? Or Ice cream before dinner?” I asked taking him by the hand and pulling back down the steps. “Doesn’t matter, you won and now we’re getting ice cream.”

“I don’t even know where to get ice cream around here. I think you can get sorbet,” Asher whined. “I don’t eat ice cream.”

“Come on, I saw a little ice cream shop when we were walking that looked so cute.” I stopped walking. “Are you whining?”

“I’m not whining. I don’t whine. I argue or debate,” Asher tried to explain, but I wasn’t listening.

“Did you say you don’t eat ice cream? How can that be true?” I urged. “You’re having it now.”

“I won, I should be able to decide,” he whined further.

“You won what we’re doing for dinner. I won yesterday so ice cream is what I want for that win,” I asserted.

The ice cream shop was also a coffee shop, with the cutest little tables inside and outside. We opted for inside since it was colder than when we started walking. The shop was full, mostly with people drinking coffee. I still wanted ice cream. There was a television showing the news and a few people were gathered around it. Gunner gave his order for black coffee then went over to the television.

“Asher, what did you decide to have?” I asked nearing the front of the line. “I’m getting strawberry ice cream with sprinkles. Let me guess- you want just coffee, two creams. Or, you might have sorbet.”

“I’ll have both, wise guy. You can surprise me with a flavor.” Asher handed the clerk his credit card then went to stand by Gunner at the television.

“Okay, here’s your coffees and your chocolate sorbet, which I thought would go well with coffee,” I said to Gunner and Asher, who were not listening. “You guys take your coffees.”

It was odd that they would be so wrapped up in the television, so I looked to the screen to see what was on. To my complete shock and horror, there I was on the screen in the fountains splashing water on Asher. I kept watching it like a car accident you couldn’t not look at. I heard the newscaster talking but it was in French, under were captions in English.

It looks like Asher Hawthorne is back at his antics. This time it looks like he treated the wrong girl poorly and she appears to be fighting back. What will be next from these two, or will he move on to another again?”

“Oh no, this is not good,” Asher said, almost in slow motion. “We have to get out of here. Gunner, check outside for reporters. Imogen? Imogen, listen to me.”

“Were we just on the news in Paris?” I was shocked. “I don’t understand. Why? Are they mad about us being in the fountain?”

“Imogen, we can talk about it later. Right now we have to get out of here,” Asher said, pushing me toward the door.

“Hey look! It’s the fountain girl,” a lady with two small children called out to the room. “Good job giving him his own treatment.”

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” I asked over the commotion beginning. “I was just having a little bit of fun.”

Asher pushed me out the door, nearly spilling my ice cream. Gunner had walked around the corner but came back quickly, pointing to a car he had waiting. We were rushed into the car and off it went.

“Can someone explain what just happened in there?” I demanded. “Are we in any legal trouble for playing in the fountain? I can’t be sent back home.”
