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The elevator doors opened to PH1. We all stood staring into the suite, perhaps each waiting on the other to take the first step and exit.

I hugged Gunner, then kissed his cheek. “Goodnight, Bond.”

“Sweet dreams, Solitaire.”

It took me two steps to get to Asher. “Good night to you as well. Thank you for a fun day.” I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

We each went our separate ways until all three cells went off at the same time. We all turned in our paths to look at the other.

“I’ll take the hit tonight. You both get some rest.” Asher smiled then closed his bedroom door as he answered his phone. “Mom, sorry I missed your call earlier.”

I went to find the suitcase for something to sleep in. Then I remembered Asher had said Halima would get my stuff unpacked and put away. The room I was in was so pretty it made me feel like a princess.

I was feeling more relaxed by the minute. I found pajamas in one of the drawers and went to the shower. I wasn’t sure how long I had stood letting the hot water roll over my tense muscles, but by the end, my stomach was growling. I put my wet hair up in a towel, slipped on the pajamas and went in search of a robe.

I wonder if the guys decided to get food?

There was a light flashing on the phone at the desk. Out of curiosity I picked up the receiver to hear that I had a message.

“Imogen, Gunner and I were hungry, so we ordered spaghetti and meatballs. I ordered one for you. If you change your mind come out and join us.”

Thank God he ignored my emotional behavior.

I found a soft fuzzy white robe and slippers, then paddled my way to the living room. Gunner and Asher were heavy into a game of chess. I waved to them and picked up a garlic roll. My spaghetti sat in a warmer I only now noticed existed. I wandered out onto the balcony with my plate, but the temperature had dropped to an uncomfortable cold. I hurried back into the living room and cozied up in front of the fireplace that someone had already turned on.

“Did you eat all the garlic rolls?” Gunner asked.

“Who wants to know?” I asked, digging into the spaghetti. “This is delicious spaghetti.”

“Thanks, I made it while you were in the shower,” Asher and Gunner said at the same time, then laughed.

“I made the sauce, Gunner just boiled the noodles,” Asher boasted.

“Yes, and I painted and redecorated my bedroom after my shower,” I replied. “Shall I whip up dessert too?”

“Yes!” Both men answered immediately.

I had finished devouring the spaghetti and wandered back into the kitchen, looking for something else to eat. “I was completely kidding you two but dessert does sound good.”

“Halima can get us anything your heart desires. Remember, all you have to do is call her extension,” Asher called out.

“Checkmate.” Gunner stood with a big yawn and exaggerated stretch. “Dessert does sound good. However, I need some fresh air, so I’ll be back in a bit. Can you two take care of yourself while I’m gone?”

“Get out of here,” I ordered, “and come back with something tasty, maybe some kind of fancy French dessert.”

On that note, Gunner saluted and stepped into the elevator. The room was suddenly oddly quiet, and it felt weird to be alone with Asher. Not odd or weird like when Brice would be revving up to attack me. More like ‘middle of the night on Christmas eve and I snuck downstairs to peek at the presents under the tree’ quiet. Like my parents would flip the light on any second and I’d get caught. Asher had walked to the kitchen to put his plate in the sink.

I think now’s the time.

“Hey, if you have a few minutes, I’d like to talk. I have a bunch of questions and I figure now is the best time, while we’re alone. Would that be okay with you?”

Chapter 38


I’d been watching her pace around the room, fidgeting with stuff on the coffee table and restacking the books on the bookshelf. I waited for it because I knew it was coming.

She wants to talk. “Questions,” she said. I hope I have the answers.
