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“My last question, then, is…Do you think you’re ready to get married and behave?”

“Hmm…That’s a very tough one to answer.” I feigned pain when she slapped my arm. “I’m ready to be married and I’m really starting to like my bride-to-be.”

“That’s sweet of you to say. Your turn, make it good,” she said.

“Where should we get married?” I surprised even myself with that question.

“If I’m being honest, it doesn’t matter where, as long as my parents are there,” she said.

We sat quietly thinking about each other’s answers. The elevator chimed on my phone announcing Gunner’s return. We both turned to watch the doors open.

“What are you two doing? Those are some cat-ate-the-canary smiles,” Gunner said. “What did I miss?”

Chapter 39


“You didn’t miss anything, Bond. More importantly, what’s in that bag you’re holding?” I walked toward him.

“It’s spelled Tarte Tatin. Don’t ask me to pronounce it, but it was recommended by the lady in the pastry shop,” Gunner said, sitting the bag on the counter and pulling a drawer open looking for forks.

“I’ll get the plates. I think I want cold milk to go with it. What about you, Gunner?” I asked, slipping a coffee pod in the Keurig machine. I already know Asher wants coffee.”

“Well, I’m going to surprise you by saying I also want cold milk,” Asher said. “I highly recommend putting it in the warmer for a few minutes, then eat it with cold milk.”

“I like the way you think Mr. Hawthorne. Bond, what’s it gonna be?” I asked, putting the Tarte Tatin in the warmer. “It’s ok, you can have coffee, we won’t pick on you about it.”

“Solitaire, no way am I drinking coffee at this hour,” Gunner said, flipping the coffee machine off.

I took the Tarte out of the warmer and scooped out three plates. I decided it would be easier to eat with spoons. Asher had pulled out and filled three glasses of milk. We sat around the island in the kitchen eating without speaking. The only sound was intermittent slurping of milk or scooping of spoons on the plate. I lifted the plate to my face to lick the remnants of the caramelized apple, only to find both men licking their plates as well.

“We make quite the trio. What should we call that?” I asked. “Three Musketeers?”

“Three blind mice?” Asher said. “Three Amigos?”

“Three Stooges,” Gunner said, getting up to put his dishes in the sink. “Don’t ask me which one of us is which, though.” He saluted and chuckled all the way down the hall to his room.

“For a big scary guy, he is pretty funny,” Asher laughed. “I think if we have to decide who is which stooge, I’m letting him pick.”

I picked up mine and Asher’s dishes, then approached his side of the island.

“That was fun tonight. Do you work all day tomorrow?” I hurried on. “I’m only asking because I need to know if I should find something to do.”

“Imogen, I wanted to talk to you earlier about the engagement,” Asher said, turning in his stool to face me. “I booked a reservation at a hotspot where paparazzi hangout.”

“Is that where you want to do the proposal?” I worried. “Can’t we do it somewhere more private, yet visible.”

“I think it has to be in true Asher style for it to work properly.” He answered apologetically. “I won’t make a big ordeal out of it. We can keep it low key. The people around us will notice and it will escalate from there.”

“Whatever you think. I’m just being silly. How fancy is the restaurant? Because I don’t have a nice dress. Actually, Poppy told me to shop in Paris because I don’t really have very many clothes.”

“You know, she told me about that, and I was going to send you out with my assistant. But now, I’d like to take you shopping. It might be fun. Maybe I’ll get a new wardrobe too,” he said, standing up. “For tomorrow night’s outfit, I’ll have Halima call a few designers in the area and have them bring you dresses and shoes to choose from.”

“Wow, that’s amazing and pampered,” I responded. “I can go out with Gunner for a dress, you don’t have to do that.”

“We will go out after the engagement.” Asher said. “I don’t want people seeing you buying a special outfit. Remember, you’re not supposed to know. So let me pamper you, please.”

“Since you said ‘please’ I will allow it,” I said, excited. “Do you want to pick out the dress?”
