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“Imogen? Hello, Imogen?” I looked down, trying to see her eyes, until I heard a very faint snore. “Imogen, it’s time to wake up. We’re back at the hotel.”

“No, I don’t want to go. I’ll sleep here,” she said, talking in her sleep.

I laid a hand on her cheek, then brushed a strand of red hair out of her eyes. She only snuggled in more. I felt bad making her wake up. I asked Gunner to drive around a few more minutes, then leaned my head back. My mind drifted to how this must all be affecting her. I certainly knew how it was affecting me. All of this faking with her should’ve been making me crazy. Instead, I found myself completely charmed. Shortly after dinner, when I held her in my arms dancing, I realized that with Imogen, life could be easy.

“Mr. Hawthorne,” Gunner called through the divider, “there are only two paparazzi out there right now, so it seems a good time to go inside.”

“Thanks, Gunner.” I cleared my throat. “We’ll go in the front and allow the two paparazzi that are there to get pictures from afar. No close-ups.”

I gave Imogen a light shake, then rubbed her arm to no avail. I couldn’t stop myself when I put my lips to hers, and surprisingly, it worked.

“Hi,” was all she said.

“Hey there, Sleeping Beauty. It appears my charms have awoken the princess.” We both laughed with our faces mere inches apart.

“I think you have a deep, dark secret,” she said, not moving away. “I’m going to get to the bottom of it.”

“Oh, what makes you think that?” I asked, going back to my seat, trying not to show panic.

“I’m not sure, but you know an awful lot about movies and now I’m finding out you even know Disney movies, too. Something isn’t right.”

Thank God. She wasn’t talking about switching with Asher.

“You know a lot about movies too, and since you knew what Disney movie I just referenced, you know them too,” I debated.

“Touche,” she offered. “Now that you awoke me from my dream, what’s our plan?” she asked, collecting her purse and coat. “We get out and let them take pictures, pretending we hate it?”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much it.” I took her by the hand. “Ready to make it look convincing?”

“I am,” she said, checking to make sure the huge diamond ring was facing outward for the camera. “Let’s rock and roll.”

Gunner pulled to a stop at the hotel entrance. He jumped out and opened the limo door for us. I stepped out first, keeping my head down to avoid full facial camera shots. I leaned in and offered my hand to Imogen to help her out.

“I was thinking. We need to do something for Valentine’s Day,” I said, placing my arm at her waist to walk into the hotel. “Let’s make it a Valentine’s Week.”

“I’m beginning to think your family doesn’t know you like they think they do.” She turned to look me in the eyes. “I have an idea. Go with it.”

She took me by the hand and walked us closer to the paparazzi. I purposely shied away but she was all smiles approaching them.

“Hi guys, I’m giving you a shot of my engagement ring. How sweet is he to propose tonight instead of Valentine’s Day?” She waved her hand with the ring on it at the cameras. “He decided we’re having a Valentine’s Week. I can’t wait to see what he does for me tomorrow.”

Their cameras clicked away. Imogen handled them like a pro. I watched from behind her, thinking how she would make a great wife for a busy Hawthorne, with loads of social responsibilities. I found myself thinking how lucky Asher was and he didn’t even know it yet.

I don’t want to give her to Asher. He doesn’t deserve her.

Chapter 49


His hand was warm and comforting when we walked into the hotel hand in hand. He seemed to want to hide from the cameras, but the strength I felt with him made me want to go all out to help, so I decided to play it up to the cameras. I owed this family for rescuing me, after all. The paparrazzi and one reporter that had stepped out of a van asked for my name, but I only smiled, then turned to Gunner to have him keep them back. I heard him talking to them as we entered the lobby. I thought I heard him say “Solitaire.”

Now wouldn’t that be funny.

We were still hand in hand as we rode up the private elevator . It seemed neither of us wanted to let go. My fingers itched to hit the emergency stop button, only to have more time alone. But that kind of commotion would only create more scandal. The elevator dinged its arrival to the penthouse.

“Well, this is my stop. Thank you for doing that proposal thing low key like that,” I said, looking straight ahead into the suite.

“You’re welcome, Imogen.” He squeezed my hand. “I had a really good time with you tonight.”
