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“I heard him say it last night. I’ll bet so my real name doesn’t get out,” she said, matter-of-factly. “I kinda like it though. It makes me a woman of mystery.”

“Does that make me your man of mystery?” I played along.

“Yes, my fiancé. That makes you my mystery man.” She kissed my cheek.

Oh my God. If she only knew how true that statement is.

Chapter 51


Woman of mystery. I liked how that sounded. We laughed and joked about it all the way back up to the penthouse. We stepped off the elevator still hand-in-hand.

“Now what do we do? Will they go away?” I asked, a little annoyed now that we didn’t get to walk. “I wanted to go for that walk with you.”

We walked to the kitchen together, then he let go of my hand and went to the frig. I watched as he stared inside, then closed it.

“Let’s get dressed and go to this cute little café away from the craziness.” He leaned his back against the island next to me. “After, we can be man and woman of mystery and go shopping.”

“Sounds wonderful. What should I wear? Wait, forget that, I only own a few outfits.” I laughed at myself. “Is it nice like a casual suit orreallycasual like jeans and t-shirt? Because those are the two options.”

“Jeans and t-shirt. But first I need about forty-five minutes to take care of a few calls, then I’ll give you the whole day,” he said. With a quick peck on my cheek he was gone to his office.

I quickly went to my room and picked up the house phone. I dialed the extension for Halima.

“Hi, can you please make me an appointment for a blow-out and makeup?” I asked Halima. “I need to go now, because we are going out in forty-five minutes.”

“Of course, ma’am. I’m sure a hairdresser will be available. Let me set it up for you,” Halima answered. “Okay, I messaged the salon and you can go down right away.”

“Could you let them know I’d like it to be Mylene, if possible? And Halima, please call me Imogen. I’m not much of a formal person.” I thanked her and disconnected.

I walked into the closet, waiting for the automatic lights to click on. That would never get old for me. I had to laugh at the ridiculousness of my four outfits hanging in one tiny little corner of the closet, with my red stilettos and the black pumps on a shelf just below.

Halima must think I’m a pauper.

My cell vibrated in my pocket, two messages: One from Mylene that she could see me now, and the other from Victoria. She had just seen us on a gossip channel and she remarked that I had to get a new wardrobe today. I sent her back a text that we were having a shopping outing after breakfast.

I wonder what the gossip channel said? Mylene will know for sure.

I quickly changed out of the trackie, hopefully for the last time, and got comfy in my jeans and t-shirt. The red stilettos were going to have to be the shoe of choice today as I only had that or the black pumps.

Red is better for a Valentine outing anyways.

I sent Gunner a text to meet me in the lobby at the elevator for my hair appointment, but when I hit the button for the elevator, the doors opened immediately to Gunner in his red trackie.

“You going somewhere, Solitaire?” he asked, not getting off the elevator. “I don’t really want to wear this outfit all day.”

“Hey there, I just sent you a text.” I got in the elevator and hit the down button. “I need you to escort me to the hair salon, then you can go back up and get dressed to go out.”

“Mr. Hawthorne hasn’t messaged me about going out. Where we going?” Gunner asked. “Will we be out all day?”

“I don’t know where, but somewhere away from people, and I don’t know how long because we’re going shopping for a new wardrobe after.”

“Heaven help me!” He rubbed his neck and gestured me off the elevator. “I’ll bring a book.”

“No way, you’re getting a new wardrobe too. So is Asher, but he doesn’t know it yet.” I waved bye and entered the salon.

Constance ushered me in immediately and Mylene was waiting in the same private room. I had stuck the ski cap back on my head, more to hide the hair than protect from the cold. When I removed it, Mylene shook her head at me.
