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He had forgotten that the doors were trying to close the whole time he stood there. When he turned to face me, the doors were freed to close.

“I can’t talk to you right now, and definitely can’t talk to him,” I said, pointing to Asher. “Victoria, my apologies for running, but it’s what I do best.”

The elevator doors closed on a very miserable-looking August.

Chapter 72


“Asher, this is all your fault. I’ve lost the woman that’s perfect for me in every way because I let you convince me to switch places.” I paced back and forth. “Look at me. I’m even pacing like her, that’s how much she affected me.”

“August, I’m sorry more than you know, but if you care for her, then you need to go after her and let her know.” Asher stood in front of me, blocking my pacing. “I’ve never seen you this way. I’ve seen you do everything to protect me all our lives and I can’t, no, I won’t, let you give up on her.”

“Since when do you care about giving up on someone?” I demanded.

“Ouch, but ok, I deserved that one.” Asher walked away to sit at the island. “I’ll be sitting over here until you’re ready to listen to reason.”

“I don’t care what you do, Ash.” I walked to my room and slammed the door.

Why did I let myself get caught up in his mess? Why did I not tell her before today? I’m an idiot.

“August, I changed my mind. I’m not going to sit at the island and wait. Open the door before I knock it down.” Asher pounded his fist on my door.

“You wish you could knock it down, Big Bad Wolf.” I surprised myself with the Three Little Pig reference.

“Fine, I’ll huff and I’ll puff and then I’ll have your bodyguard over there knock it down,” Asher demanded. “You know I’m right about you needing to go after her, and I’m your twin, so you can’t hide how you feel from me.”

I opened the door and leaned against the doorway with my arms crossed. “Go ahead, tell me more. Tell me how I feel. Then tell me how I’m going to convince her that I didn’t mean to lie to her for two weeks.” I watched him squirm from my request. “You don’t know, Ash, that’s how. So get out of my face right now. I can’t deal with you, too.”

Asher stood in front of me, hands in his pockets. Gunner walked over and stood between us, then turned to face Asher.

“You owe your brother a lot. You had him hurt her on purpose so you could go play with another woman. You need to grow up.” Gunner pointed his finger at Asher’s chest, then turned to face me. “And you know darn well how Solitaire feels about you. Everyone around the two of you knows how you both feel. You hurt my girl, but she’s smart, she’ll work it out in her head in a bit. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and go find her.”

Gunner turned and stormed off to his room, then returned with his jacket and keys. He stopped and glared at both Asher and me while he waited for the elevator.

“Get it together boys, fix this or I’ll be back to fix it,” Gunner said as the doors closed.

“I don’t think he means fix. I think he means break.” Asher rubbed the back of his neck.

“Probably, but it won’t be me he’s breaking. Go back to your suite, I need to be alone.” I slammed my door in his face.

“I can’t, Mom’s in there and she’s pretty pissed. If you won’t go find her, I will.” Asher tapped on the door. “I won’t let you end it this way with her. I’m going right now, or you are.”

“Get out Asher,” I yelled.

“I am getting out, because I’m going to find her,” Asher yelled back.

I listened for the elevator chime to ring out on my cell, letting me know he had left. I couldn’t think with him there, reminding me how much of a screw-up this was. I left my room and went to the kitchen to get a drink of water and Advil for the headache that was starting. The elevator chimed again. This time, Poppy stepped out.

“August, I know the situation seems impossible right now, and Imogen is embarrassed and devastated.” Poppy sat at the island and went on. “Imogen called me, and I explained how much you do to take care of everyone, especially Asher. She understands, but she’s hurt.”

“I know she’s hurt. I don’t blame her for running out.” I leaned into the counter facing Poppy. “How can I ask her to forgive me when I don’t forgive myself?”

“You have to try. She’s in love with you and I know you’re in love with her.” Poppy came around the island and put her hand on my shoulder. “Go find her and tell her how you feel. Tell her as August.”

Chapter 73

