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“Sounds like you guys are some kind of dynamic duo, or that would be fantastic four,” I put my arm through Charlie’s. “Is there anything else?”

“Other than the new generator, that’s it.” Charlie nodded toward the other girls watching us. “It’s show time. Smile pretty.”

Chapter 86


“Good morning, everyone. Who’s hungry?” I asked the four girls.

“Can we eat indoors? It’s so hot out here already,” Rebecca complained.

“Does everyone want to eat indoors?” I looked around to each one. “I don’t mind at all. Come on, it’ll be a nice change. I’m just so used to being out here in the breeze.”

“So, you always eat outside?” Rebecca asked already standing to go in. “I wouldn’t want to do that every day. That would have to change.”

No, what has to change is you being here. You will never make it as my wife.

“Rebecca, can I have a private word with you before breakfast?” I asked, walking next to her. “Ladies, if you follow this hallway you’ll find the main dining room. I’ll be right in.”

“Sawyer, what’s with breakfast moving indoors?” Robert called out from down the hall. “Might as well get used to the heat for volleyball.”

“Good morning, guys. The girls wanted a little bit of air condition time,” I called back. “It’s all good. I’ll be right in.”

I walked Rebecca further down the hall to my library, closed the doors, and offered her a seat.

“This is a nice room, Sawyer. I wasn’t aware it was here.” Rebecca walked around, looking at the wall-to-floor books. “I’ve always loved these libraries with a rolling ladder, but it’s kind of a manly-looking room, don’t you think?”

“I’m a man and it’s my library. I’m not sure how it would look different with all these books.” I held my irritation. “Rebecca, I won’t beat around the bush. I don’t believe you and I would make a good pairing.”

“I don’t know, Sawyer. We both like the finer things in life. You have this life, but you also have your city life, too. We haven’t even seen us in that life together yet.” She ran her hand over my giant globe in the center of the room and spun it. “Like this globe, we could just spin it and go anywhere in the world.”

So I was right. She’s in this for the money.

“No, I’m done with that lifestyle, regardless of what you’ve read about me. This is my life now.” I sat on the edge of a couch. “I think it’s time for you to go, Rebecca.”

“Go? As in leave? Why would I do that?” She walked within inches of me. “Why don’t we fly out of here, just the two of us, and do something fun?”

“I don’t think you’re hearing me. This is my life. My wife will live here and enjoy this with me.” I walked around her to the wall and hit the buzzer. “Josh, could you come to the library, please.”

“I’ll have Josh take care of your travel home arrangements and any compensation for your time.” I watched her expression change several times.

“That’s not fair. I’ve only been here two days. You can’t possibly know in two days.” She pouted. “I am your type. I read up on you. I’m exactly your type.”

“That’s just it. I don’t want that type for a wife.” I looked to the door opening. “Josh, thank you for coming so quickly. Please help Rebecca with travel home and everything else in the contract. She wants to go home.”

Of course, sir. Rebecca, if you’ll come with me.” Josh held the door for her.

“You’re making a big mistake. You’ll need a wife like me when you get tired of playing on this island.” She walked to the door. “Good luck having marina girl fit into New York society.”

Chapter 87


“Good morning, girls. Who here is ready for volleyball today?” Robert said as the men burst into the dining room.

“We’re playing volleyball with them?” Sarah gasped. “How is that even fair?”

“No, we’re just here to help out. It’s too hard to play two on two,” Lou said. “Besides, we’re old men.”
