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Dad! You didn’t fix it and you didn’t tell me.

I cut the engine and hurried down to the engine room. When I opened the door, smoke billowed out. I reached for the fire extinguisher and blindly sprayed the room to be sure there wasn’t a fire under all the smoke, then went back up to the bridge.

Please, please start.

We were in worse shape than before. The engine wouldn’t start.

“Dad, are you there?” I called over the radio to the office. “Our engine is down. Dad, you there?”

“Jade, is everything okay?” Todd joined me on the bridge. “That smoke can’t be a good sign.”

“Todd, I’m sorry to say our engine is dead. I’m calling for back-up now, so it shouldn’t be too long before a sea tow gets here,” I apologized. “I need you to gather the group and get everyone out on the deck.”

Todd left the bridge, giving me a chance to call to the office again.

Come on, Dad, you’re an admiral. You know not to leave a boat out without backup support. Where are you?

Fifteen minutes later I had no choice but to put out a distress call.

“Mayday, mayday,” I called over the radio. “This is Paradise two.”

“Go on, mayday, how can I help?” a male voice answered right away.

“My engine is down. We need a tow into Paradise Cay Marina. Do you copy?” I looked out on the deck at six nervous guests.

“Paradise two, we can help. How many on board?” the voice asked.

“Six guests and myself. I set my tracker,” I answered.

“Help will be there in about ten minutes.”

Ten minutes? Where was that coming from?

I left the bridge to explain the situation to the group. Before I could answer all the questions coming at me, I spotted a familiar yacht approaching.

This isn’t happening. Not him again.

Chapter 14


Iwas surprised to hear the mayday call. I’d been on this island every month since I bought it and never once heard a distress call.

Paradise Cay Marina? That’s Jade’s marina. That must be her calling mayday.

I answered the mayday, then called for my captain to ready the yacht to go get them.

“Your white knight is here,” I yelled out across the water. “We’re gonna tow you in, so sit back and enjoy the ride.”

The crew tied them on and we towed them into the marina. I watched as Jade helped her guests off her boat and walked down the dock. At the last minute, she turned and waved.

“Captain Jim, that was a nice little adventure, but let’s get back to the island,” I said, standing next to him on the bridge. “I’ve been thinking maybe we should have a radio in the house.”

“A radio in the house is a good idea, in case you can’t get to the yacht, sir,” Captain Jim agreed. “I’ll take care of having one installed.”

“Thanks, Jim. And stop calling mesir. It’s just weird.” I slapped him on the back and went to sit on the bow to check my messages.

My aunt had returned my call and I’d missed it. Being on the yacht alone, without Asher, gave me ample private time to call her back.
