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“Here’s a check for half the money back, and we hope you come again,” I smiled. “Breaking down is not a common occurrence, I assure you.”

“Maybe next time we can do those jet ski things,” Marcy said. “Do you have those, Jade?”

“No, ma’am, not at this time, at least not for six people.” I held the smile. “You can come in groups of two or four if you want to try it.”

“No, no, we do all our activities together.” Marcy still controlled the conversation. “Well, we’re off to have a fish fry.”

This is why I got a degree in marine biology, because fish don’t treat you like that!

I locked up the office, grabbed the toolbox, and started down the dock to the fishing boat. The Admiral had not only beaten me there, but was sound asleep on the deck.

“Dad, I need you to look at the engine. Come on, wake up.” I tried to sit him up. “Why do you smell like alcohol? Did you go to the bar instead of watching the office?”

“A man in a suit was here and we went to the bar for a meeting.” Dad slurred a little more now. “I sold the marina to him, so no more fixing boats.”

Sold the marina? Ah, Mr. DeLuca.

“You didn’t sell the marina, Dad. I need you to fix the engine right away.” I sat the toolbox down next to him. “I have to take the band over to Sandpiper in two hours.”

“Nope, I sold the marina and the boats.” Dad slurred louder now. “Let’s have a drink to celebrate.”

He stumbled to the edge and crawled on to the dock. I just stood watching, hoping no one was around for this.

“Alright, let’s get you home. Maybe Bobby can come look at the engine for me,” I mumbled as I tried to stand him up. “You have to try and stand, Dad. I can’t carry you.”

“Just pay someone to carry me. I made a lot of money selling this pile of wood.” He fought to get loose from my grip. “Come on, girl, let’s have a drink.”

“No more drinks. I’ve had it. You have to get help,” I demanded, a few feet from him. “This marina has been in our family far too long to let it go down like this.”

“Yeah, yeah. But like I said, I sold it.” He stumbled a few times, then fell on his face.

“You didn’t sell it and I don’t have time for this, so stay there if you want. I have to go into the garage and find Bobby.” I walked away, leaving him on the dock.

“Don’t go, Jade. It’s okay now. It’s someone else’s problem now,” Dad called out.

It’s not someone else’s problem. It’s mine, because only I can sell it. I own it.

Chapter 16


“If we forget about the aliens for a minute, I have an idea.” Asher wrapped a towel around his hips, getting out of the hot tub. “I mean, if you’re really serious about this wifey thing.”

“I’m afraid to ask what it is, but go ahead, hit me with it.” I grabbed a towel and followed him to the table where our lunch waited.

“What about if we call that agency Mom uses and get them to send a bunch of the wanna-be brides here to the island?” Asher took a bite of his potatoes.

“You’re scaring me and not taking this seriously.” I leaned back in my chair. “Is there more to this idea?”

“Yes, if you let me finish.” Asher shook his head at me. “So, we bring a bunch of them here to compete for your hand in marriage.”

“Marriage is not a competition, Ash,” I sighed. “I knew you couldn’t be serious.”

“Dude, I’m being serious. Listen, they come here, kinda like Mia went to the Manor for a month.” Asher got more excited. “Yeah, that’s it. They come here to get to know you and vice-versa. Then, at the end of a month, you pick the one best suited for you.”

“Ash, it started out ridiculous, but now I’m thinking a version of that idea might work.” I took a bite of chicken. “I mean, you’re right, your mom did do that for Parker.”

“Yeah, no secrets about it, they come here and hang out. You spend time with them.” Asher smiled ear to ear. “I get to spend time with them too, of course, because you’re only gonna keep one.”
