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“I’ll be right behind you guys. Tell them to sedate him as soon as possible,” I said. “He hates hospitals and, as you can see, he’s not all there right now.”

“Don’t worry Jade, we’ve got the Admiral.” Sam waved as they closed the ambulance doors.

“I’ve gotta get changed and get over to the hospital.” I ran for the house.

“I’ll drive you over, Jade. I’ll be out at the truck,” Allen called out to me.

The drive to the hospital, only three miles away, felt like an hour. We arrived only ten minutes behind the ambulance and they were prepping him for surgery.

“I need to speak with the doctor that’s with my father right away, please,” I said to the nurse in the emergency room.

“Jade, he’s in with another doctor figuring this out.” Susie patted my hands on the counter. “Hon, I’m so sorry this happened to the Admiral.”

“Susie, I have to get to him, I need to get in there.” I saw the swinging door open and charged it.

“Jade, wait!”

Chapter 18


I’d been checking my watch ever since lunch, and I wasn’t sure why, until I saw the marina boat coming into my dock.

That’s gotta be the band. I should go down and greet them. I wonder if Jade is here, or Admiral?

“Welcome to the island, guys. I’m looking forward to some live music.” I greeted them as I approached on the dock. “Leave the equipment. My crew is on their way down now. They’ll carry it all in for you.”

“Thanks, Mr. Hawthorne. Just show us where to set up,” Joe, the band leader, spoke first. “I haven’t been over here in years. Looks like you made a lot of changes.”

“Yes, I have. Come on, I’ll give you guys the tour and a cold drink.” I waved for them to follow. “Oh, maybe Jade would like to join as well.”

“Jade didn’t bring us over, sir. She’s at the hospital with Admiral,” Joe said, walking next to me. “He has to have surgery.”

“What happened?” I asked, concerned.

“The Admiral fell through the dock and one of the boards went through his leg.” Joe shook his head. “Half the locals were going in to give blood. Jade saved his life by putting a tourniquet on from under the dock.”

“Under the dock?” I was confused.

“Yeah, he was stuck and bleeding real bad, so she had to dive in and tourniquet from under him,” Joe said. “Good thing she’s a good swimmer.”

“I’d say so. Sounds like she’s a quick thinker, too.” I pointed them all to the bar for a drink. “Maybe I should give her a call, or at least give blood.”

“Yes, sir, blood might be good, but might be enough already by now.” Joe downed half of his glass of water.

“Joe, I was wondering if you boys would be interested in a month-long gig?” I tossed out the suggestion. “Let me explain better. The gig is here on the island for all of next month.”

“Well, sounds good, but we need to discuss it first. Plus, Allen counts on us for the weekends.” Joe looked to the other band members. “Could we answer you in a few days?”

“Of course. I’ll tell you what. If I have a boat here ready to take you to Allen’s bar every Friday and Saturday night, could you do the day hours on the weekend? Well, and all week too?” I offered a compromise. “I can speak with Allen, if you’d like.”

“No, sir, I think Allen would be okay with that. Some of us have wives, so we’d have to check with them,” Joe continued. “Would a boat be picking us up and bringing us back each day?”

“Do any of you have kids,” I asked, “or other jobs?”

“No kids, just two of us have wives. Each of us do odd jobs during the day,” Joe answered for the group.

“I have an idea, then. What about if you stay on the island for the month, with exception of going to Allen’s on Friday and Saturday nights?” I smiled. “The night shifts could go late, so I thought it’d be easier, but not necessary.”
