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“Hey, Joe, is a boat coming from the marina for you?” I asked. “If not, I can have my captain give you a lift.”

“Jade messaged about thirty minutes ago apologizing for earlier, and saying that a boat would be here for us at one-thirty.” Joe put his guitar in its case. “I told her that would be good. I guess I should have asked if you were done with us first.”

“Nah, it’s good. It’s late and my friends look like they’re ready to call it a night, anyway.” I pointed to a few of the guys half asleep in lounge chairs. “Let my crew know when you’re all packed and they’ll load it for you.”

“Thanks, Mr. Hawthorne. What time should we be back tomorrow?” Joe asked. “Also, I was wondering if you’d like a different set or the same thing?”

“Joe, please call me Sawyer, and if you have a different set available, then do that.” I reached for my cell that buzzed in my pocket. “Safe trip across the water.”

“Asher, why are you calling me? I’m literally right here.” I looked across the deck to see Asher waving at me. “You’re such a weird one, and lazy.”

“You love me cousin. Get over here so we can talk,” Asher ordered, then hung up.

I wanted to wait by the dock to see if Jade came for the band so I could see how Admiral was, but chances were she wouldn’t be the one coming.

Doesn’t matter, anyway. She hates me.

“What’s up?” I stood looking down at Asher in a lounger. “I’m tired.”

“You’re such an old man all of a sudden. I think the problem is that we’re not partying enough,” Asher smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I just figured that out. I think we have to step it up. There’s not even girls here.”

“Yeah, and it’s kinda nice to just relax.” I stretched. “Is that all you wanted to tell me.”

“Nope, I wanted to go over the plan for the wifeys. If we don’t have a good plan when my mother gets here, she won’t go along with it.” Asher stood to be face-to-face with me. “I mean, if you’re serious about this, then let’s do it our way.”

“In a crazy way, you’re making sense. Your mom will want a thought-out plan,” I said. “Let’s go over it in the morning. I don’t think I can think clearly right now.”

“No way, man. Mom messaged me a few hours ago that her and Murphy will be arriving mid-morning.” Asher waved for me to follow him to the table. “I made a list of ideas and I made a few designs for the huts.”

“You’ve been drinking in that chair all day and night. When did you do this?” I laughed. “These designs are what I was thinking.”

“And the wife ideas?” Asher asked. “You said only a few, but I think it should be like ten.”

“Not ten, that’s too many. I’ve seen those reality shows.” I picked up the pen next to his list. “I’m changing this to five, and no bikini contest.”

“Aww, come on. Don’t I get to have fun, too?” Asher threw his hands up. “You do realize my mother is going to try and get me married too.”

“It did cross my mind, but it wouldn’t be the worst thing that happened to you,” I laughed. “I can think of at least twenty things worse you’ve dealt with or created.”

“No way! Married would be worst. There are too many women out there that need to meet me still.” Asher downed a beer I didn’t even see him holding. “I have a plan for getting my mother off my back about this.”

“This I need to hear, because you’re in trouble every other week,” I leaned against the table. “Go on, tell me. You have my full attention.”

“I’m going to let her think I’m all about marriage and that we’re both looking for a wife.” Asher paced with excitement around the table. “Then, later, I’ll tell her I don’t think it’s fair to butt in on your plans, so I’ll wait until later.”

“Seriously, you think you can out-smart your mother?” I scratched my head. “You’ve had too much to drink.”

“No, really, all I have to do is convince her for a little while. Besides, she won’t be here,” Asher assured me. “When, or if, she drops in, I can behave. And when she’s not here, I can play with the ones you don’t want.”

“Ash, you have to be able to hear how awful that sounds.” I shook my head. “I mean, I get it, and a few months ago I’d have been right there with you, but I’m not doing this just to have fun.”

“Yeah, you told me already and I don’t get it, but I got your back and we’ll do this.” Asher stared at me. “I still think you have to have fun things to do, but I’ll give up the bikini contest.”

“No, you won’t. Man, I know you,” I laughed and walked to the doorway and stopped. “I was wondering about compensating the girls that come that don’t get picked.”

Chapter 21

