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It’s becoming a soggy habit being around Jade.

“You guys get comfortable in the salon, I’ll be right back.” I pulled my wet shirt off as I went down the hall.

I changed my shorts, grabbed a towel and a dry shirt from my stateroom, then popped into the bridge. “Captain Jim, let’s take a spin around the island to show my aunt.”

I could hear Aunt Victoria giving Sienna a quick rundown of my and Asher’s ideas. From where I stood listening, Sienna didn’t seem to be forthcoming with her thoughts on the whole thing, though.

“Can I get either of you a drink?” I asked.

“I’ll take a water. Then, come sit with us.” Aunt Victoria patted the seat next to her.

“Sienna, what about you?”

“No, thank you,” Sienna answered without looking up. “I’d like to get started looking over the brides already in the system.”

“Already in the system?” I asked quizzically. “Are there more than what’s in the system?”

“Sometimes we don’t have a match and we have to advertise,” Sienna explained. “In your case, we won’t do that.”

“Do you think you have enough good candidates?” I asked. “What’s the next step?”

“Normally, we would go through the candidates, then eventually pick one. That one bride would travel to you. But this situation you’ve presented is very unusual, so we may not get all five women from the same data bank.” Sienna went on with her explanation. “You’re asking a lot for five different brides to come all this way, and possibly not be picked.”

“I understand, and I’ll compensate them for their time. We just have to figure out how to do that.” I stood from the lounger as we approached the hut side of the island. “I guess we wait for the list, then.”

“If you don’t mind, I’d like a little bit of time to compile the right women in my system, then I’ll sit with you both and go over the choices.” Sienna stood looking around. “Is there somewhere I can get wifi?”

“There is, but why not take a few minutes and enjoy this breeze and fresh air?” I lifted my chin to the sky. “I promise you it’ll be okay if we wait until we get back to the house.”

We spent the next twenty minutes cruising back to the house, watching two dolphins play, flipping in the air.

“Now, if you were looking at that computer, would you have seen this?” I gestured toward the dolphins and the open ocean. “This is why I bought this island.”

“Sienna, you are getting a first-hand view of where this bride will live and the man she will enjoy life with.” Aunt Victoria leaned on the railing. “I may have to visit more often, Sawyer.”

“You can come and stay whenever and however you want.” I put my arm across her shoulders. “Looks like we’re back at the house.”

We strolled down the dock and onto the patio where Asher and Murphy sat eating fruit.

“Can I get you anything?” Marcus asked as we entered the covered area.

“Josh, this is Sienna. Can you bring her to my office and help her get logged in, please?” I waved my aunt over to the table to sit. “Yes, Marcus, bring something light to eat, please.”

Ten minutes later, Sienna returned to find us still sitting out on the patio, relaxing with Murphy and Asher close by. Then I spotted Jade’s boat coming into my dock.

“Looks like the band is here.” I stood to go meet them. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll walk with you, looks like the blonde cutie is at the helm.” Asher stood from a nearby lounger and stretched. “Maybe we should invite her to stay. She left so quickly earlier.”

“Knock it off, Ash. She hates me, so don’t make it worse.” I walked faster to get there before him. “Just stay in your chair.”

“Oh, no, I’m coming. Maybe she’ll like me,” Asher called to me ahead of him. “I’m better looking and, lately, more fun too.”

“That’s debatable,” I yelled back. “Go away.”

I turned to see how close he was and saw my aunt and cousin walking along with him.

“Aunt Victoria, make him behave,” I begged.
