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“She’s not impressed by you either, Ash.” I plopped down in a lounger. “Maybe you’re just mad about that.”

“Pssh, as if that’s a concern for me,” Asher smirked and dismissed. “I have a hundred other women at my beck and call. So do you, for that matter. So, what are you doing?”

“It’s the same women we’re always around, the same parties, doing the same things. I want more.” I sat up, hearing Aunt Victoria approaching. “Better watch out, your mother might get you one too.”

“She can’t convince me to do something as extreme as this nonsense.” Asher also sat up. “So, Mom, what’s the plan?”

“Asher, you certainly are interested in this process. Are you sure you don’t want a bride too?” She stared at him with wrinkled brow. “Just say the word, Son.”

“Just focus on this guy here,” Asher pointed to me. “I’m just interested because it’s going to be fun.”

“Aunt Victoria, can we just ignore your baby boy and go to the next stage.” I stood. “What’s next, pick brides?”

“Yes, that’s next, and Sienna and I have been narrowing them down. But now you need to come look.” Aunt Victoria patted my cheek. “I think this will make you happier.”

“I’m happy, I just want to have more. Is that asking for too much?” I asked. “I mean, I have all the riches and friends and women but, here I am, asking for more.”

“Sawyer, everyone deserves to find love. Now, no more of this. Let’s go look at the women we picked.” Aunt Victoria hooked her hands around my elbow. “Leave that one here being full of himself.”

“Oh, no you don’t, this is too much fun.” Asher jumped up to follow us. “I’m picking. I know him better than he knows himself.”

“God help me if he has the final pick.” I pulled a chair out for my aunt. “Sienna, what do you have for me?”

“Well, slide your chair closer and I’ll bring up some bios.” Sienna turned her laptop slightly in my direction. “I’ll let you read through the bios, then we can talk.”

“Bios, phooey. Where’s the pictures? We need to know how his wife will look in a bikini.” Asher stood, looking over my shoulder. “He likes them kinda tall, too.”

“Asher, let him read the bios. They’re more important than pictures,” his mother scolded. “Why don’t you go see if Marcus can bring us something to snack on?”

“Umm, because I’m not the hired help, and you’re just trying to get rid of me.” Asher kissed her cheek. “But, since I love you, I’ll get you something refreshing.”

“Or, you don’t want me to get you a bride too,” his mother laughed.

Asher walked away smiling ear to ear. “Don’t pick without me. And, Mother, I’m not listening to that crazy talk.”

“I’m gonna have to let him look, you know.” I clicked the mouse to look at the next bio.

“Sienna, why don’t you and I take a stroll around the house and make sure the potential brides will be housed nicely?” Aunt Victoria stood and waved to Sienna to follow her.

Asher peeked around the corner of the living room, grinning devilishly. “Are they gone?”

“Yeah, get over here and look at these with me. They must think I don’t know how to find the pictures.” I opened the first bio picture. “Well, alright, she’s beautiful.”

“Is there a full body shot?” Asher leaned in to look. “That’s only a head shot-- not good enough.”

I clicked around and found additional pictures, but they weren’t attached to bios.

“Look at this one.” I tried to zoom in on the touch screen. “You know how much I like tan and blonde.”

“What does her bio say?” Asher reached for the mouse. “Yeah, you opened the wrong bio picture, man.”

“Then where is her bio?” I looked behind Asher to see if they were coming back yet. “I don’t even see a name. No, wait, here’s a name-- Donna. She’s not on Sienna’s list.”

“We need to keep her on ouryeslist, though. If you don’t pick her, I can.” Asher waggled his eyebrows. “Only if you’ve decided against her, that is.”

We spent the next fifteen minutes looking through picture after picture, until we had our own list put together.

“Quick, go back to the page Sienna had open. Here they come.” Asher turned to greet them. “Well, what did you think? Isn’t this house a masterpiece?”
