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“I don’t believe things will take that long on my end and I’d like to get to this sooner, but I will keep you updated,” I assured her. “If we can get it done, will you be able to move it up on your end?”

“I could make it happen in a week to ten days, earliest.” Sienna looked to her laptop screen. “A fourth girl just agreed.”

“Who can resist this face?” I joked.

“They haven’t seen your picture or been given your name,” Aunt Victoria added. “I thought it best to not have the Hawthorne name influence their decision.”

“Then, how did they sayyesto this?” I asked, surprised. “Have they been told anything at all?”

“I’ll send you the bio your aunt put together.” Sienna clicked a few buttons.

“I got her up. Doesn’t she look so cute.” Asher pinched Murphy’s cheeks.

“Knock it off, Ash. You’re such a pain.” Murphy pushed him away. “I need coffee, then I‘ll be ready in, like, fifteen minutes.”

“The boat from the marina will be here in thirty minutes, so get your coffee and get ready,” Aunt Victoria ordered. “You look like a lobster, Murphy.”

“I definitely sat in the sun too long. You should have stopped me, Sawyer,” Murphy whined as she sipped her coffee. “It’s your island. You should have warned me.”

“Murphy, don’t be ridiculous. You’re a grown woman, you don’t need someone else telling you to stop laying in the sun,” Aunt Victoria scolded. “I’m going to tell you what to do now, though. Go get dressed or I’m leaving you here.”

“Fine, but I don’t know what I can wear over this sunburn,” Murphy growled as she left the room.

“You know, you need to think about that,” Sienna said.

“About what, exactly? My sister with a sunburn?” Asher sat back down. “She’ll be fine. She’s always dramatic.”

“Not about your sister. I’m talking about health issues, like getting sunburned.” Sienna tapped away at her laptop. “I think we need to add having a medical person here.”

“That’s a good idea. It takes some getting used to, being in this Caribbean sun all day.” I looked out to the beach and the blue skies. “You can get red before you realize it.”

“Sawyer, what’s the fastest way to get someone to a hospital?” Aunt Victoria asked. “Your yacht isn’t going anywhere fast, and I know the marina boat can get here in ten minutes.”

“That’s true. I’ve been thinking about getting a boat for going back and forth, but is it fast enough if there is an emergency?” I stood and paced. “I could buy a helicopter to keep here on the island.”

“Yeah, it wouldn’t be too difficult to clear an area and make a landing pad,” Asher joined in. “Wait. Why don’t you get one of those seaplanes?”

“A seaplane is also a good idea. In case there’s a water emergency, the plane can still land,” I answered enthusiastically. “I’ll go have a seaplane brought in.”

“I can appreciate your excitement, but who’s going to fly it?” Aunt Victoria asked.

“Did you forget I have my pilot’s license?” Asher now paced with me. “It’s been a while, but I’ll pick it up.”

“I agree to the seaplane or the helicopter, but you’re going to need a real pilot,” Sienna added.

“Ouch!” Asher grabbed his chest. “So that’s how it feels to be stabbed?”

“Now who’s the dramatic one?” his mother chuckled. “Asher, I commend you on your desire to brush up on your flying and I think for future use you should, but not for this.”

“Agreed, Aunt Victoria. I’ll hire a pilot to be here.” I made a note in my cell. “I guess once I choose activities, I’ll need someone to run them.”

“You’re not really going to do sports the whole time, are you?” Aunt Victoria stood to look out over the ocean with me.

“Looks like your ride is here.” Asher turned to walk out to the dock. “It’s the blonde cutie-- race you there!”

“I’m not racing you. She hates me, so all yours,” I called out to him. “Next visit, we can just fly you over.”

“I actually enjoyed Jade’s company. She’s a very smart young lady and the boat ride over is very pretty.” Aunt Victoria watched Asher approach Jade’s boat.
