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I kissed his cheek and ran out to the sidewalk. It had gotten dark and I’d forgotten my flashlight was in the truck.

Hopefully, they left the truck and hid the keys.

I only got as far as the pub when I noticed a decent-sized crowd on the outside patio.

Good to see the pub isn’t suffering from the band being gone. I hope they’re at the marina and ready.

Approaching the marina, it was hard to see if they were there or not. It felt darker than the night before. The truck was in the parking lot with the keys under the seat. I grabbed my flashlight and scanned the dock.

Where are they? Did it get cancelled tonight?

I pulled my cellphone from my pants pocket. No messages. I dialed Joe’s number.

“Hey Joe, where are you guys?” I left a message, then dialed Allen.

Neither are answering. Could they be playing at the pub? That would explain the crowd.

I scanned the docks one last time. This time my spotlight landed on the big yacht, still docked.

Okay, the Hawthornes are still here, too. I think it’s safe to assume the band isn’t going tonight. You’d think someone could let me know.

Chapter 42


The guys were having such a good time, I decided to cancel the band going to the island. My mind wandered to the mail-order bride idea and I hoped I was making the right decision.

“Hey! Did you cancel the band going to your island tonight?” I heard her before I saw her. “You think maybe you could think about someone other than yourself?”

“Miss Campbell, I apologize if you didn’t get notified by the band. I did ask them to let you know.” I turned in my barstool. “Would you like a drink since you’re here?”

“A drink is the last thing I’d like.” She looked to Allen, who just gave her a silly smile. “Are you leaving tonight or staying at the dock?”

“I haven’t decided yet. If we stay, don’t worry, I’ll pay the fee.” I downed half my drink. “I put your truck keys under the seat. Did you find them?”

“I’m going back to the hospital. If you go back to your yacht, please use this flashlight.” She pushed the flashlight into my hands.

“Allen, don’t let them go back to the docks too drunk.” She turned and stormed off but came right back. “Actually, Allen, since you decided to let them get drunk here, go with them to the docks.”

“Boy, she was mad.” Asher hung on my shoulder. “What did you do, cous?”

“Apparently, Joe never let her know we cancelled.” I pointed to my glass to refill it. “Then she got crazy about us going to the dock after.”

“She’s just worried about how dark it is and your safety,” Allen interrupted. “You don’t wanna fall through like Admiral.”

“Why, is it dark?” I put my drink to my mouth, then stopped.

“The power is out, and Admiral sold the backup generators.” Allen wiped down the bar. “It’s weird to say it, but it’s a good thing Admiral’s in the hospital, or they’d be out there in the dark.”

“How long has it been out?” I put my glass on the bar. “Will we be able to see where we’re going tonight?”

“Personally, I’d keep your yacht power running when you get there. That place is creepy at night.” Allen started making a drink for another customer. “You shouldn’t give Jade such a hard time. She left a big career to come help the Admiral.”

“Oh? What kind of career?” My curiosity was piqued.

“She’s a marine biologist. I heard a few people call her ‘Dr. Campbell’.” Allen nodded. “She’s pretty smart. She gave up a lot for the marina.”

“Wow, that’s amazing. Maybe that explains why she’s so grouchy,” I mumbled.
