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“We found him. We’ve been looking for him for at least four years.” Mr. Gunner shook his head. “Without his first name, it was a lot harder just searching online.”

“His name is Abbott. Probably why he went by another name.” I laughed. “He’s always complained about his name, which is why he goes by Admiral now.”

“Do you mind giving me a minute to show the boys?” Mr. Gunner looked to me with a kind smile.

“Of course, go on, take the picture, but I will need it back.” I relaxed on the counter when he walked out the door. “Bobby, I’m sorry to have frightened you. I was nervous. I mean, look at them.”

“You’re not kidding,” Bobby chuckled nervously. “When we came around that corner, we almost turned back.”

“Bobby, you wouldn’t have!” I fained shock. “No, really, thanks for coming to my rescue. I think they’re on the up-and-up.”

“I have cars to finish, but later I want to hear about this guy that threatened you.” Bobby gestured for the guys to head out the door. “I’ll come over later with Lucy.”

I walked out to the dock where the four men stood talking. It occurred to me now that he’d said Mrs. Hawthorne gave him my name. I seriously overreacted.

“I need to apologize for being wary of you. It wasn’t very polite of me.” I put my hand out to shake the others’ hands. “I’m Jade Campbell. Welcome to Paradise Cay.”

“Jade, your father would be very proud of the way you handled yourself in the face of fear.” Mr. Gunner handed my picture back to me. “Do you mind if I ask why you were so nervous?”

“Oh boy. Well, uh, this guy has been coming around threatening me. He wants me to sell the marina and I refuse.” I sighed. “No excuse to be rude to you. I think he just got to me with idle threats, that’s all.”

“What’s this guy’s name?” one of the other guys, Lou, asked. “We can make that stop. If Guy is sick, we’re here for you.”

“Thanks, I may take you up on that if he comes back around.” I smiled to each of them. “He wants the marina, but it’s been in my family for over a hundred years, so it’s not for sale.”

“Guy use to talk about his wife’s family marina and getting back to it. I’m Charlie, by the way. That’s what made us think we found him- the marina, combined with the name.”

“I understand now. I’m so happy you found him.” I smiled, thinking how happy he was going to be.

“I’m Robert. Are you wanting to get the place repaired?” he asked. “It looks like it needs a lot.”

“Truthfully, it would be easier to sell it. Everyone can see how bad it is.” I pointed to the broken docks and beat up office and house. “I was away, earning my degree, when my mother passed, and hadn’t realized Dad was suffering so badly from PTSD.”

“We all go through our bouts of it but, since we found each other, we’ve been doing better.” Mr. Gunner said. “Your dad dealt with worse things than most of us, so I understand why he would be suffering more.”

“Dad doesn’t talk about it much, or at all.” I frowned. “I wish he would’ve told me. Anyways, I’m trying to get him the help he needs now. Maybe it would help him to know you guys are here.”

“We’d love to go see him,” they said in unison.

“You should go see him now. He’ll be waking up soon and he’ll be going to a VA rehab facility in the next day or two,” I said. “I’ll call ahead so they’ll let you visit, but I can’t promise he’ll be awake just yet.”

“I need to make a call to Mr. Hawthorne, but would you be able to join us?” Mr. Gunner asked. “I’d rather know he was prepared for our visit. Anything could set him off.”

“You know, yes. I can go with you if you can give me fifteen minutes.” I pulled my sunglasses from hanging on my shirt and put them on. “I really, really need a quick shower and a change of clothes.”

“You want us to watch the office?” Lou asked. “We know a thing or two about boats.”

“Sure, not much is happening, but feel free to answer the phones.” I pointed to the house. “I’ll be over at the house if there’s anything urgent, but I promise I won’t be more than fifteen minutes.”

“We’re not going anywhere.”

Chapter 54


Bond and his buddies had approached. If I was being honest, I’d say they were very intimidating. We had a short conversation and planned to meet back at the dock in a couple of hours. The pre-arranged car arrived to pick Aunt Victoria up to bring her to her plane. I’d gotten a call from George about my seaplane, so I joined her in the car to go see George.

“I’ll see you next week. I’m looking forward to this little vacation on the island.” Aunt Victoria got out at her plane. “Maybe I’ll get your Uncle Henry to come, too.”
