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“Which is no and which is yes?” Charlie spoke out. “Do you know how to fly it?”

“I have my pilot’s license. I’ve just never flown a seaplane.” I held my hands up in surrender. “I know, I know. I had asked for a pilot to come stay for a few days to train me on it, but they screwed up and it didn’t happen.”

“Mr. Hawthorne, perhaps you fail to remember that we flew in on a seaplane,” Charlie put his hands in his pockets, “and that only the four of us were on that plane.”

“I figured a pilot flew you in and that the plane was gone now,” I said. “Apparently, what I’m missing is that one of you flew that plane.”

“Yeah, Lou flew it,” Charlie stared at me, “this time. I’m flying it out of here and Gunner flies us out tomorrow.”

“And what about Robert? He the only one that doesn’t fly?” I joked.

“I fly, but these jokers were whining that they get less time than me, so I’m not flying this trip,” Robert interrupted. “I can fly you out of the marina.”

“Thanks. Can I pay one, or all, of you to teach me the ins and outs? Oh, and my cousin Asher will need lessons too,” I added.

“Is he a pilot?” Charlie asked. “I ain’t teaching someone who isn’t a pilot.”

Yes, he has his license as well. We got them a few years ago.” I shook my head, laughing. “We didn’t need them, we just got mad one trip because our pilot wasn’t feeling well and we couldn’t leave, so we decided we were gonna learn so we could fly in a pinch.”

“Well, whatever the reason, it’s still a good thing to have.” Gunner said. “You never know, if there’s an emergency in flight, you can help.”

“Hey guys, Dad is awake. I asked him if he was up for company and he said yes.” Jade pushed the door open wider. “Go on in and surprise him.”

Chapter 55


Dad’s marine buddies tentatively walked through the open door. I listened from the doorway to make sure Dad was accepting of the visit. It was clear he was when I heard laughter erupt in the room. I backed out of the room and right into Sawyer Hawthorne.

“Your still here?” I asked, surprised to find him there. “I meant to ask earlier, why are you here?”

“Why, are you still mad at me?” Sawyer backed up. “I thought we buried the hatchet?”

“Nah, I think the hatchet just got dull.” I smiled at his crinkled brow. “I’m kidding. I mean, why are you here, as in did you need something? Were you wanting to speak to me?”

“Oh! No, I was killing time and found myself walking in on my way back from the boatyard,” Sawyer said. “But since we’re standing here, I did want to see if you could bring Asher’s boat over this afternoon? I can have someone bring you back or bring you myself, whichever works.”

“Yes, I can bring the boat over. I just don’t know what time yet.” I looked over to my dad’s room to see Gunner pacing. “I think I should get in there. Give me your cell number and I’ll text you on my way over.”

We exchanged numbers, then Sawyer nodded and left. I slowly walked into Dad’s room to hear him struggling with where he was and what was going on.

“Admiral, these lieutenants are here to give you a report.” I jumped in when I saw the men getting anxious. “Then, they have to get back to their duties.”

“Jade, girlie, did you see my old buddies are here?” Dad smiled, pointing to them. “They’re the ones in that picture in the register. “They’re a lot older now, though.”

“Yeah, Dad, they came by the marina today looking for you.” I smiled to the guys and nodded to come closer. “Charlie, here, is going to give the guy with the fancy yacht some flying lessons.”

“Oh yeah, Charlie, you think you can remember how to fly?” Dad teased.

“I’m gonna give it a try, Admiral. When you get outta here, we can go fly together.”

“Sounds like a plan. I can take you boys out on one of my boats, get us some fish or a mermaid.” They started laughing.

“Knock knock.” The physical therapist tapped on the door. “Your least favorite person is here, sorry.”

“Lieutenant, remove this person from my office.” Dad slipped back again. “Not now, we’re having a meeting.”

“I’ll come back in about ten minutes.” She backed out of the room.
