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“Bakery or candy?” I smiled. “Never mind, I’ll surprise you.”

I walked to the bakery. Nothing in the case caught my eye. I waved to the teenager behind the counter and walked out into the sunshine. I checked my cell for the fifth time in five minutes. Still no messages.

“Hey Bobby, did you get a chance to look at the fishing boat engine?” I asked, stopping at the garage on my way to the marina. “No rush, I don’t have any customers. I was just wondering.”

“I looked at it earlier and ordered the part you need. It should be here in a day or two.” Bobby wiped grease off his hands. “I’ll put it on your tab, so don’t ask.”

A seaplane flew overhead. We both looked at it, but it wasn’t that rare of an occurrence here, so neither of us was fazed by it until it circled again and landed at the marina.

“Looks like I have a customer. I called Lucy but she didn’t answer. If you talk to her, tell her to call me.” I checked my cell again, then walked away.

“Hey Jade, I was flying around the island, checking a few things. Then I saw you.” Charlie smiled. “I don’t have your number and I was wondering how Guy is doing today.”

“You saw me flying around the island? That’s some pretty big circles to do to see me from there,” I laughed. “Was there something you wanted to talk to me about?”

“You’re a smart girl, I see.” Charlie took his sunglasses off. “What did you decide about a facility for your dad?”

“I’m waiting on a response as we speak. If I get the answer I’m waiting on, then he will be going to the very best facility possible.” I smiled up at him. “Did you have a thought?”

“Just that I’m worried. He seems to really be struggling with reality. Mark was bad but not quite that bad.” Charlie shifted his weight looking around. “Is he gonna be alright?”

“I sure hope so, Charlie. Hey, would you like a cup of coffee?” I gestured to the house. “I could use some company.”

“Sure, tell me about yourself.” Charlie followed me to the house. “You mentioned you’d been away at school. What did you major in?”

“I’m Dr. Jade Campbell, marine biologist.” I nodded when he looked surprised. “Yep, I should be out there in the water instead of here on dry land.”

“You’re a good daughter to come home for him.” Charlie held the door open after I unlocked it. “You have a boyfriend or a partner? I think that’s what you say these days.”

I smiled at this gentle giant. “That works and, no, I don’t have either. I’ve had my head in books or under the water for too many years. They’re may be a fish or two that think we’re a couple.”

“A funny girl, too. Just like your dad. He always had us laughing.” Charlie took a seat at the kitchen table. “So, will you go back to your job when Guy goes to rehab?”

“That, I can’t answer right now. I have this marina to run—well, to repair first, then run.” I started the coffee machine. “I have to save this place so Dad has it to come back to when he gets better.”

Charlie nodded in agreement. “Having something to look forward to is very important for his recovery time.”

“What do you do when you’re not hopping islands with the boys?” I asked, pulling bowls and a blender out of the cabinet. “I’m gonna make cookies. You like sugar or chocolate chip?”

“I’ll like either if they’re fresh out of the oven,” Charlie smiled. “I don’t do a lot. My wife passed away a year ago and I haven’t figured out what to do with myself just yet.”

“What kind of things do you like to do?” I turned the oven on and started mixing the batter. “Do you like working with your hands or do you prefer technology?”

“Technology? Now that’s a funny one. These big fingers don’t get along very good with computers. Put a wrench in my hand and I’m happy.” Charlie scooped some batter off the top of the bowl. “I like to cook too but, if you tell anyone, I might have to make you disappear.”

“I can see why you and Dad got along. He has secret things too.” I handed him a spoonful of batter, then started making cookie balls. “How are you at repairing engines?”

“What do you need fixed?” Charlie laid a pristine spoon on the table. “I can fix just about any engine. Boats and planes I’m best at.”

“I have three boats out there that don’t have one good engine, even if you put them all together.” I set the oven timer and leaned against the sink. “You up for it?”

“You asking me to work on your boats?” Charlie countered.

“I am, but I can’t pay you right now, at least not a lot.” I watched him thinking. “You can stay here in Dad’s room, though, and I can feed you.”

“I don’t need money and I’d be extremely happy to help out. You can start with a batch of those cookies for me to take back with me.” Charlie stood and put his cup in the sink. “Which boat do you need first?”

“Paradise One, that’s my main boat. I don’t have any tours right now, so no hurry.” I started another batch. “What are you guys doing over there on the island?”
