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Chapter 11


Toby had called out that the mall was closing right away. That left me next to no time to get in my hiding spot. I still needed food for the night, though. I ran over to the food court to let Brad know to leave the food for me on the side counter and I’d grab it on my way out the door. Next stop was the bathroom.

Darn, I meant to go get my pillow out of the car for tonight. Oh well, tomorrow night.

There were a few men moving large boxes inside the four trees they’d set up earlier. I wasted time turning off the snow machine and the music, then pretended to close out the register until they finished and headed to the mall entrance.

“I think you’re the last person in the mall.” Toby walked up to the counter in front of me. “You should have gone home a long time ago. Did you even have any customers tonight?”

“Just a few, but not enough to have gotten stuck here waiting on my ride.” I continued pretending on the register.

“I thought you had your own car here?” Toby looked confused. “I saw it on my way in earlier.”

“Yeah, it’s been acting up, so I asked my roommate to give me a ride today. Her job didn’t let out yet, so I’m stuck here waiting,” I shrugged. “Do you mind if I wait inside until she gets here?”

“It’s fine. I’ll set the door up to lock behind you.” Toby gave me a casual shrug. “I trust you.”

“Good night, Toby,” I smiled. “I’ll make sure the door is secured when I go out.”

“Be careful going home.” Toby waved and turned to leave but stopped. “I like the trees.”

“Do you know what those boxes are over there?” I pointed to them. “I’m thinking it’s the decorations for the trees.”

“Mr. Hawthorne told me earlier today that a crew would be here tonight after hours getting all the decorations up.” Toby confirmed. “That was before the snowstorm. He also said there was some kind of ad going out tomorrow on the radio and such to get people here to see the new Christmas stuff.”

“That’s terrible timing. I just saw the crew leaving,” I frowned. “We could have used the additional customers.”

“That’s mother nature for ya.” Toby checked his cell phone when it rang an alarm. “I need to get back to the office. I have items found in stores to label and log in and probably calls to return about missing items.”

“I need to go to the restroom. I’ll walk with you.” I went around to the front of the counter. “Can you escort me there, sir?”

“As if you need an escort with no other people in this mall.” Toby walked alongside of me to the bathroom. “Go on. I’ll wait for you to come out so you aren’t nervous.”

I hurried into the restroom, did my thing, and hurried back out. Toby wasn’t there but I found him leaning on the door frame to his office.

He must be ready for his nap to not wait for me to leave. Thank goodness.

“You’re awesome for letting me wait inside. I’ll be sure the door locks,” I called out to him.

“Thanks, Paige. See you tomorrow.” Toby waved, then closed the office door.

Toby going into the office was my cue to get to the food court, grab the food Brad left for me, and get inside the workshop before he decided to make rounds. I tossed my purse inside the little door and took one more glance around the mall for stragglers, then ran to the food court. Brad had left me a cup for a drink too. The hot water machine was still on. I filled the cup and went around to the front of the counter to leave but decided to go ahead and pour the packet in the water. Suddenly I dove head-first over the counter.

Who was that? Did he see me? Oh, shoot. I think he’s coming this way. Where can I hide?

Chapter 12


That looked like an elf. It’s time to go home if I’m seeing elves.

I got a text from the driver that he was at the front door. I turned and took one more look. I was very tempted to walk over and look behind the counter, but it had to be nothing. I pushed open the doors and ran for the Hummer.

“Wow, the weather channel wasn’t messin’ around when they said it was a big storm.” I brushed snow off my jacket. “I appreciate you being out in this for me.”

“That’s what I do, Mr. Hawthorne,” Mitch said. “I called the hotel for you and your room is ready.”
