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“Don’t hate on the hair, man. You know you wish you could look as good as me.” I pushed his hand away playfully. “Besides, I cut it. See how short it is?”

“I see you must have had a trim,” Sawyer laughed. “I think that’s what that’s called anyways.”

“I hear a hair discussion over here.” Sawyer’s fiancée, Jade, walked up. “Asher, you know I love the hair. It’s perfect for island life, but can we get you manicured just before the wedding?”

“Jade, I can’t promise to cut my hair, but I will do something to look more serious.” I made a face. “By the way, congrats on setting a date to marry this guy, here.”

“Thanks, we were waiting to see when the Admiral would be out of rehab,” Jade explained. “I wasn’t getting married without him.”

“I’m so happy for the two of you. Don’t think I won’t be on that island of yours all the time.” I hugged Jade.

Sawyer and I had been living the playboy life for years, but he decided he’d had enough and got himself a wife. I couldn’t blame him. Jade was a cool chick. Now it looked like I had to party on my own. The problem with that was that it wasn’t any fun without a partner in crime, or even just a partner.

“Alright boys, I gotta leave you to each other,” Jade said, then walked off.

“What’s happening with the lost cell phone?” Sawyer asked. “I’d be asking for it back.”

“Nah, it’s been fun. Whoever has it has quite the sense of humor.” I pulled my phone out. “I wish I knew if it was a female or a male.”

“Just ask, dude,” Sawyer smirked. “Don’t you want to know?”

“Good point, but whoever it is could just lie.” I held the phone, staring at it. “It’s been fun bantering. Maybe I don’t want to know.”

“Just ask.” Sawyer grabbed my cell and started texting.

“Who am I texting with?”Sawyer texted.

“Your other cell phone. Did you bump your head and forget?”

“That’s funny. I see what you mean.” Sawyer handed my cell back.

“I don’t even know where I lost it. It could be anywhere.”

“I’m pretty sure you had it when we left the island.” Sawyer thought about it.

I went back to texting when Sawyer laughed at me and walked away.

“Where have you been hiding all day?”I asked.

“Hanging out, taking pictures.”

“Well, don’t be stingy. Show me some.”

Over the next twenty minutes, my cell chimed every few minutes with more pictures. The person with my cell was having a good time taking pictures and getting around the mall.

That’s it. I can ask the people in the pictures who took their picture.

“What’s your name?”

“My name? I’m your phone and you don’t know my name?”

“I don’t usually name things. Give yourself a name.”

“Okay...My name is Apple.”

“I guess now you have me wondering if you’re a McIntosh or a Granny Smith?”

“Why can’t I be a Honeycrisp or a Cortland?”
