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“I like red the best.” Santa munched away. “You know what? I don’t even know what your real hair color is.”

“And you never will. It’s part of my elf magic.”

When he walked away, I took a peek at the cell.

What’s my name? I’m not giving that away. That’s too personal. I need to say something, though.

“My name is Apple.”I answered.

The banter went back and forth for a bit about kinds of apples until I decided to say I was taking pictures all day. Next thing I knew I was running around taking pictures from different stores and random shoppers willing to do a fun or crazy pose. I sent the pictures as I took them. I realized, by the time I sent the last picture, that I was having a good time.

Maybe I should ask who I was texting with. Maybe the other person wouldn’t mind sharing that info, at least not as much as I mind.

Chapter 20


Ispent the rest of the evening enjoying time with my family and holding the new Hawthorne. My mother was over the moon and the baby wasn’t even her actual granddaughter. Parker and Mia’s baby would arrive in a few months, and God help us all. It was inevitable that my mother would be after all of us for more grandbabies. She got my brothers married off, so babies were next.

Oh no! I’m the last male to marry off. I need to convince her to move on to my sister Murphy.

The next morning, I said my goodbyes until the Christmas festivities would kick off. The charity ball planning would begin and this year it was my turn to come up with the where and the theme. We took turns to keep it fresh. The weather was good enough to fly but I decided to ride back with Mitch. It felt less hectic and gave me time to think. I’d been so busy with the family at breakfast that I hadn’t checked in with my old cell. Before I got a chance to check for a text, I got a call from the decorator.

“Mr. Hawthorne. The snowstorm let up enough to let my crew get to the mall. I just got here and I see the trees are already decorated,” the decorator said. “Did you hire a different company?”

“No, I didn’t. I’m as confused as you are that they’re decorated. No one seems to know who did it.”

“That’s bizarre, but kinda fun,” he said. “Maybe it was Christmas elves.”

“That’s a very Christmas way to think about it,” I chuckled. “You can go ahead with the big tree and the rest of the mall decorations.”

“Mr. Hawthorne, the big tree is also decorated,” she corrected, “except for the top five feet.”

“Interesting. I see the mystery continues. Have the mall corridors been decorated too?”

“Nope. I guess that’s what we’ll do today.” She sounded more cheerful.

“I’ll be in the mall in about two hours. I’ll see you then.” I said goodbye.

When I disconnected from the call, I saw there weren’t any messages. I decided to respond.

“Did you see who decorated the trees in the mall?”I messaged my old cell.

“Christmas elves, of course. Duh.”Came the reply.

“That’s the second time I’ve heard that today. Is there something about elves I don’t know?”

“I’d have to ask an elf. I’ll start with the one in front of me. Hold on, I’ll send a picture.”

“That’s definitely an elf.”

“She says she didn’t do it.”

“Good to know. Are there other elves that might have done it?”

“There are, but I think this is more about magical elves.”

“I’ve never believed in Christmas magic, but I’m beginning to.”
