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“That’s why I called you to meet me. I want security cameras everywhere in this mall.” I pointed around. “I want every inch seen, including the food court.”

“That can be done. I’ll call a company out,” Johnny said.

“Pay double if need be, but I want it done today,” I urged. “I need to know what I saw.”

“Consider it done.” Johnny paused, then went on. “You saw an elf? Here in the mall?”

“Lower your voice. I don’t want everyone around us to hear that I’ve lost my mind.” I looked around us. “I saw something, or someone, and I’m getting to the bottom of it.”

“The cameras should do it. Now let’s go look at the fireplace.” Johnny waved for me to follow him. “The chimney should be finished today.”

We spent the next two hours looking over the fireplace and the solar panel area. The security team arrived to install cameras. Johnny went off with them to discuss what I wanted. I went back to the middle of the mall where the big tree was located and found a chair facing Santa’s workshop.

I probably just thought I saw an elf because I was thinking about the elf that knocked me down.

“Mr. Hawthorne, I searched the mall last night and didn’t find anything or anyone.” Toby stood in front of me. “I’m real sorry, but I see cameras are getting installed. Maybe we’ll see something.”

“Yes, Toby, I hope we do. I’m certain there’s a good explanation for me thinking I saw an elf.” I frowned. “You didn’t tell anyone, did you?”

“No sir, that wouldn’t be smart,” Toby frowned. “I’ll be in my office if you need me. Oh, Mr. Hawthorne, will someone teach me about the new system?”

“Absolutely, Toby. I need my security team to be top notch,” I smiled. “Before you go, is the elf with the pink hair new?”

“No sir.” Toby took a step to leave. “Did you need me for anything?”

“Nope, I’ll be here late tonight again.” I leaned my head back to rest, then pulled my cell out, but changed my mind.

I stood and walked over to the workshop. The elf there was a petite blonde. “Hi, I was wondering if anyone found a cell phone here?” I asked. “What’s your name?”

“I don’t think so. I’m Sherry. We have a bucket behind the counter for lost items but no cell phone inside of it.” Sherry checked the bucket. “Did you check with security?”

“I did.” I waved, then walked away.

I called my twin, August. “Hey, you have any good ideas for the charity ball this year?” I asked. “Also, random question, but have you ever felt like you were losing your mind?”

“Ash, what’s going on?” August asked. “You’re the calmest of the whole family.”

“I don’t know. I’ve been working late in the mall and twice now I thought I saw an elf,” I replied. “Go ahead, make fun. Then help me.”

“Ash, are we talking stuffed elf, elf that works there, or some kind of elusive magical elf?” August asked. “Are you drinking again?”

“I’m not drinking, but I am exhausted,” I answered. “Tell me magical elves don’t exist.”

“First, let’s start with why you think there are magical elves.” August prompted me to go on. “What else has happened?”

“Well, I sent the decorating crew home because of an impending snowstorm. The next morning the trees were all decorated and no one knows who did it.” I stopped for his impression of what I said. “What would you call it?”

“That’s a tough one. Are you sure there wasn’t some of the crew still there after the rest left?” August guessed. “Or were you sleepwalking again?”

“Funny. If I had slept in the mall that might have been a more logical explanation,” I laughed. “I forgot I used to do that. At least I never unlocked the house and went outside like you did.”

“Never happened.” August denied it. “Did you check security cameras?”

“There aren’t any cameras. I had them on the schedule but was working on other things first,” I groaned. “Now I wish I had done it first. But who would ever have thought something like this would happen?”

“Sounds like an intriguing mystery. I look forward to hearing how this ends,” August chuckled. “You know, maybe the mall would be a good place to have the charity ball. You could have a magical elf mystery party.”

“Great idea. I have gotten it looking pretty festive, and it’s big enough,” I agreed. “We can call it ‘Come As Your Inner Elf’, and have the guests come dressed as elves.”
