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“Yeah, get me some specs on different types and features,” I nodded in excitement, “colors too.”

“I take you for a red kinda guy,” Mitch guessed. “You can always custom color, but that would take longer.”

“Custom isn’t necessary. I do like red, but let me know what else there is.” I looked out at the snow. “I sure do love this time of year.”

“Your pilot was telling me you were living on an island in the Caribbean for a while. I’m surprised you like the cold.” Mitch turned us into the mall parking lot. “Speaking of your pilot, I got a text that you have a guest arriving at noon.”

“Yes, Gunner and his buddies are coming to help me with something in the mall.” I climbed down out of the Hummer. “Make sure you get them here as soon as they arrive.”

Walking into the mall felt so much better than it did just a few short weeks ago. People were in the food court and walking around. I went straight to the security office to look at the footage from overnight.

“Good morning, Toby.” I nodded to the screens. “I’m here to look at the footage. Did you see anything?”

“No sir, I didn’t, but I didn’t expect to. This mall is pretty still at night.” Toby stood and yawned. “Help yourself, sir. I’m off duty but the daytime security is here. He’s just in the restroom.”

“Thanks, Toby.”

I started fast-forwarding footage until I got to ten o’clock. I figured magical elves only come out at night, and I was right. There it was, on camera. I was in disbelief that it had actually been caught on camera. At least now I knew I wasn’t crazy. I also knew it couldn’t be magical elves, but what was it? I sent August a text.

“I’m not crazy. I caught something on camera.”I texted.

“No way. Is it actually an elf?”August asked.

“I know you’re having a joke at my expense, but it certainly looks like an elf.”

“Did you call Gunner?”

“Yep, he’s on his way here now. Since we share DNA, I thought you might want to know I’m not crazy.”

“Lol. Oh, you’re crazy alright, but in a different way than seeing magical beings,”August jabbed.

“Gotta go, Mom’s calling.”

“Keep me posted.”

I leaned back in the chair and answered the call from my mother.

“Hey Mom. I was just going to call you.” I lied a little. “Did you get the email from Nicole?”

“Yes, she sent me your notes. I love the scavenger hunt and the tree for ornaments,” Mom said.

“What about the bring a toy?” I asked. “I really like that. I was thinking we could have an event during the day after the ball and have families come for a fun afternoon.”

“Asher, what’s going on with you?” Mom asked. “I like it, but where did all of this adult thinking come from?”

“It’s always been here, Mom. Honestly, I don’t know why now, so let’s just go with it,” I said. “A little secret- I’m enjoying planning the party.”

“And you’re doing a great job. I also love that you want to do an orchestra instead of a DJ, but wouldn’t a DJ be a little more fun if everyone is dressing up like elves?”

“You make a good point. It should be more fun,” I agreed. “I’ll have Nicole switch that.”

“Your idea of a fun-filled day and gifts for kids is a great thing. I’ll contact the facilities we’ve helped before and, if it’s okay with you, I’ll have my assistant organize who comes.”

“Works for me. Anything else?” I held my phone away from my face to read an incoming text. “Hey, I need to run. I have a meeting in a few minutes. You should come over to the mall before the ball and see what it’s looking like.”

“I’ll come later this week,” Mom said. “Asher, I’m proud of you, and not just for doing a good job on this.”

“Love you, Mom. Thanks.” I hung up the phone.
