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“He had to work last night so he’s probably sleeping right now,” Lex smiled. “Wait, let me take a picture of this with my cell so I have proof to show him.”

“I need to meet this husband of yours. Are you guys coming to the charity ball?” I worried I wouldn’t see her anymore. “Please come. It’ll be here in the mall. I’m calling it ‘Come As Your Inner Elf’.”

“That is amazing, and I wouldn’t miss it.” She picked up her purse and jacket. “You should have an elf scavenger hunt.”

“Eh, then I’d have to explain the elf thing and I’d rather keep it to myself.” I helped her put her jacket on. “It’ll be our little secret about the mall.”

“Let me know if it’s truly a magical elf.” She kissed my cheek and headed out.

Geez, if I’d just stayed awake, I may have caught it myself. How did the elf know we’d fallen asleep?

Chapter 31


Why hasn’t someone come to find me? It’s only a matter of time.

I crawled back into the workshop and buried myself in the red blanket. I figured I’d better enjoy this last night of warmth because someone was watching and would come for me. Morning came with its usual noises. I peeked out the window. The coast was clear. I bolted from my tiny hideaway and scurried to the bathroom to change.

“Paige, what’s the rush this morning? Someone chasing you?” Karen joked.

“Actually, maybe.” I changed out of my sweats and back into the elf costume. “Karen, in case I don’t get a chance to say it later, I wanted to thank you for being so nice to me.”

“Darlin, what’s this all about?” She stood at the door to my stall. “Come out of there and tell me what’s happening.”

“Karen, I know that you know I live in my car and I also know that you know I’ve been sleeping, hiding, in the mall at night.” I pulled a wig out of my purse. “I made a mistake. I didn’t know they put cameras in the mall and I was caught on camera overnight.”

“Was your face seen?” she asked. “Did you have one of those wigs on?”

I thought for a minute, then realized. “Karen, you’re a genius.” I kissed her cheek. “I had on my hoodie covering my whole head and a sweatsuit, so I may have looked like a guy.”

“See there? If you think about it calmly, you’ll work it out.” Karen patted my hand. “Now eat your breakfast and get to work.”

I went with my blue wig today. If there was a day that I wanted to look completely different, it would be today. Santa was at the workshop when I got back. He’d already turned on the snow machine. I sorted through the box of elf ears behind the counter until I found some that looked completely different than my usual ones. There wasn’t much else I could do to change my appearance, so it would have to do.

“Hey, Eddie, what are you doing here for the morning shift?” I asked when I finally looked at him. “Or are you working a double?”

“I’m trying to be like you,” Santa Eddie said. “Do you ever leave this mall?”

“Why would you ask that?” I demanded.

“Um, it was a joke. Chill out, Paige.” Santa Eddie plopped down on his throne. “Are you always grouchy in the morning?”

“Sorry Eddie, I didn’t mean to growl at you. I didn’t sleep great,” I apologized. “We have customers. Are you ready?”

I waved the first people over. It was usually young children at this hour, so two kids under the age of five was no surprise, for me. Eddie wasn’t used to wiggling little ones. I was waiting at my camera for him to get situated when, out of my peripheral, I saw the men in all black from the other day.

Oh! I’ll bet they’re the ones that installed the cameras. Should I make a run for it now?

They did the same thing they did the other day, hover around the workshop. The one named Charlie walked circles around the workshop. I got the feeling he was trying to see my face. I continued to look in the opposite direction and avoid eye contact. I was beyond happy when Sherry arrived for her shift. I grabbed my purse.

“I’m taking a break,” I called out, already leaving.

I practically ran to the food court. If I could get into the women’s bathroom, they couldn’t follow me in there. Of course, I’d have to leave at some point, but I needed time to think. I was lounging in a chair when Kim waltzed in.

“Hey, what are you doing in here?” She plopped down next to me. “I feel like going outside. You wanna come?”

“Sure, but first can you look out there and see if there’s some big scary-looking men in all black out there?” I begged. “I’ll explain later.”
