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“Not yet. I was thinking about getting a Santa picture with her,” Brad said shyly. “Not as her gift, but as something to do.”

“I think that’s a great idea. Girls like that kind of stuff.” I handed him two candy canes. “Bring her around when I’m here. The pictures are on me.”

I took the bag of food and went back to the workshop, then went about turning the lights and music off. I could hear the camera beeping but went about my business, until Toby walked by.

“Hey Toby, are we having our nightly hot chocolate?” I called out.

“I’m not sure. Those big guys are still here. I don’t know if they’re watching me or not,” Toby complained. “I better skip it tonight and you better leave when everyone else does. Sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t want you to be in trouble,” I smiled. “I’m just gonna sit at the fireplace a few minutes while some of the stores are still closing up.”

“See you tomorrow,” Toby said, then walked away.

The fireplace couch was right behind the workshop. I walked behind it and dropped my purse, then went around to the front and sat. Other employees waved goodbye. I waited there until the lights dimmed, then dropped to the floor in front of the couch and army crawled around behind it.

Probably should have taken the elf slippers off. I sound like a cat with its bell jingling.

I shoved my purse through the small opening, then began my wiggle through it myself. Once my head made it through, I was good to go. Once inside, I pulled it shut. If someone walked by, they wouldn’t see it.

This is crazy. What am I doing?

My head was still pounding, so I pulled out the extra Tylenol Kim had given me and swallowed it with the little bit of hot chocolate I had left.

Kim was supposed to come find me by the fire. Why didn’t she?

Chapter 37


Lex and her husband, Spencer, were a lot of fun. I could see why she married him. They had together demolished two bottles of wine. I couldn’t believe I didn’t want or need a drink. They were giggling at a cat video on Lex’s cell phone.

Yikes, this must be what I look like with alcohol in me.

“Ash, what’s happening with your elf watch?” Lex plopped down on the couch. “Let’s put it up on the tv instead of you watching it on your cell.”

“Are you sure?” I walked around in front of the couch. “Spencer is already falling asleep.”

“No, no, I’m not asleep. Come on now, Ash, let me have fun with this too.” He poured another glass of wine. “Come on and drink with us. You’re not driving, my man.”

“Yeah, yeah, pour me one, sure,” I agreed. “I’m gonna hook this up on the tv.”

By the time I finished setting it up on their movie screen, I turned to find them both sleeping, holding hands. I was already there and this huge screen was amazing for elf-watching. I dropped down into the front row recliner and kicked my feet up, preparing for the show. I found myself wondering what Apple was up to and why I hadn’t heard from her. I shot her a text, then called Gunner.

“Apple, tell me what you did today.”

“Hey Gunner, I’m watching but I seem to be stuck on one camera,” I said. “How do I get all the views?

“You’re not stuck. I have all the cameras on the workshop area,” Gunner replied. “Nothing happening for now, but I think it will in a few hours.”

“Why not now?” I questioned.

“Each time you’ve had a sighting it’s been around two in the morning,” Gunner said. “I can ring you if we see anything.”

“I’ll be watching, but ring me anyways, in case I fall asleep,” I laughed. “I seem to have a track record of falling asleep.”

“I would agree with that. I’ve seen you sleep on the beach, on the deck of a boat, and more,” Gunner laughed again. “Hopefully, you’re not on the floor somewhere.”

“Nope, I’m in a soft comfy recliner, watching on a movie screen,” I said. “Ring me if anything fun happens.”
