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“Yep, go on to your family. I heard there is going to be a special gift tonight.” Gunner walked off.

What’s that mean? Who’s getting a special gift?

I tried texting Apple a few times, but she wasn’t answering anymore. I didn’t know what she meant by saying I needed to decide if I wanted her. I kicked back and took a nap on the ride to the manor.

“We’re here, sir. Will that be all for tonight?” Mitch asked.

“That’s it for the weekend. Enjoy your Christmas.” I climbed out and made my way inside. “Who missed me?”

“Finally! What kind of trouble were you getting into that you’re late?” my oldest brother, Trey, chirped.

Everyone was mingling around in the living room, trying to peek in the stockings, except my mother. I took my favorite chair and continued trying to get a response from Apple. I looked up from my cell and watched my brothers enjoying their wives. Parker was about to be a dad and, for the first time, I envied him. My mother had made his life complete in getting him a wife last Christmas.

Special gift tonight? My mother asked me what I wanted for Christmas. She never does that.

“You good, Ash?” Trey handed me a drink. I waved it off.

“I’m good. No drink for me.”

I stretched my neck and leaned back. I was so confused about Apple. She’d been so friendly and light-hearted, and now she was telling me I’d have to decide if I want her. Several scenarios ran through my head.

I said “a wife” to my mother. Special gift? She got me a wife for Christmas, like Parker.

“Where’s Mom?” I asked the room. “Is anyone getting a “special gift” tonight?”

“What are you going on about, Ash?” August looked over to me. “I can feel something stirring in you. What are you up to?”

Wait. I said I wanted an elf. She said wife. But I didn’t disagree. I don’t want a wife like this. I want Apple. I have to stop her before it’s a scene.

“August, wanna help me out with something?” I looked at my cell to see if there were any more messages.

I pulled August into the foyer. “Can you switch with me, just for a few minutes?”


“Because I think Mom is up to something.” I pulled my shirt off and handed it to him. “Come on, just give me a few minutes to see what’s going on, as you.”

“What do you think is up?” August crossed his arms. “I need to know first.”

“Fine. I think Mom bought me a wife like she did for Parker.” I grabbed two Santa hats off the hall table. “But I don’t want it. I want Apple.”

“I don’t know what that means. I’m not sure I want to know what that means.” August shifted on his feet, thinking. “Is this ‘Apple’ a person?”

“Yes and no. It’s complicated, but I’d marry her if I had a chance to,” I groaned. “Just help me stop Mom so whoever she has doesn’t get embarrassed when I say no.”

“You’re always sucking me into your schemes.” August took the shirt from me. “This won’t work. I don’t have long hair like you.”

“Put this Santa hat on with your hair pushed up. I’ll put one on too.” I placed it on his head then put on mine. “Give me your shirt. I’ll just go snoop, as you, then I’ll switch back.”

“Ash, this is the last time. I can’t marry this one for you. I did that last time.” We both laughed. “Just give me fifteen minutes,” I pleaded.

My mother is going to give me a wife tonight. I know that’s it. That’s the special gift. I have to stop her.

August went back in the room with the family, dressed as me, and I snuck up the stairs to see what my mother was up to.

“Apple, can you please respond. I really need to hear from you.”I texted.

I ran around, opening each bedroom door. She wasn’t going to stick me with a bride I didn’t know, like my brother. I didn’t find anyone, and my promised fifteen minutes were up. I ran back down the stairs, then paused just outside of the living room. I could hear my mother telling everyone to get their stockings.
