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“For three months I have lived and played with you and the one thing I have learned is that you’re a man of honor and determined to get what you want.”

“I had my party time and now I want more,” he said.

“What is the more you want?”

I held my breath, wanting to tell him just how I felt about him yet not wanting to say how I felt in case I was wrong with how he was feeling. My hopes had been crushed a day ago that he was as into me as I was into him especially after hearing what he had said to his brother. I had to stay stern to protect myself.

“Tell me, Cota. You have everything a person could want except for some reason you want even more.” I crossed my arms, looking at him. “You haven’t answered me yet. What in all the world do you want?”

“I want you. And not as my pretend wife. I want to be able to kiss you when I feel like it.” He froze in place without speaking. “I never want you to leave. I would be lost without you.”

I walked closer to him until he was an arm’s length away. “I want that too.”

“I’m sorry. Did you say you wanted the same thing I want?”

“Yes, I did. So, when are you going to kiss me?” I asked, then turned away embarrassed.

“After this,” he said, then stopped speaking.

“After what?” I turned in time to see him go down on one knee.

“Marry me, for real this time. Stay, and be my real wife.” He held out a velvet box with a diamond ring. “Have the faith in me as I have in us together.”

I couldn’t breathe. I felt the warmth of my own tears spilling over and down my cheeks.

Is this really happening or am I still sleeping? Last night I heard him say I wasn’t the girl for him.

“Sabrina, I should have told you before now. I’m falling in love with you and was hoping you felt the same way. I realized it last night when my brother asked if I still liked the girl I dated in college.” He shifted on his knee, still holding the box out to me.“You are the girl for me.”

This is real; it has to be real. Please, God, let it be real.

“Sabrina, I’m not falling in love with you. I love you, I love you, I love you. Please say yes and make me happy forever.”

“Yes, yes, yes.” I knelt down in front of him. “One thousand percent yes.”
