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“They’re all grown up now. My three older girls have children, so it’s the youngest who’s been helping out the most. It’s been pretty hard on her.”

“I bet.”

“Well, we’re into the final stage now, so it will all be over soon. I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing. I’ll be grateful when Jeff’s suffering is over, but as for the rest of us…”

“I suppose it will be like losing half of yourself.”

“Hmm, that’s not really how I see it. I mean, of course, my heart will splinter into tiny pieces, I know that already… but at least I’ve always been independent. I know I’ll cope, it’s just that life will have less shine, less fun. Jeff and I have talked a lot about my life after he’s gone. He’s made me promise to have adventures.” Rissa gave a sad smile and Kate wanted to wrap her arms around her and tell her everything will be alright.

“Do you know what any of those adventures might be?”

“Well, as soon as I know my daughters are all right, I’ll be getting on a plane to India. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve visited family over there and I’m longing to get back.”

“You must be very brave, travelling by yourself.”

Rissa laughed, and looked at Kate. “You’re not serious, are you?”

“Yes, I mean, I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to travel the world alone.”

“Goodness me, you don’t know what you’re missing. Jeff and I have taken many holidays apart over the years. His work schedule made it tricky to go together. There’s a lot to be said for holidaying alone. You can do exactly what you want to do, lie in bed all day, get up at four a.m. to watch a sunrise. It’s exquisitely self-indulgent.”

“Maybe I should try it sometime…”

“You really should. Do you have a man in your life?”

“Sort of. He needed some space, so we’re technically not together at the moment.”

“In my experience, it’s perfectly possible to have space and still be in a relationship.”

“Hmm, maybe…I guess I was a bit too needy.”

“You don’t strike me as needy in the slightest.”

Kate laughed. “That’s because you’re not going out with me.”

“Perhaps, but if you don’t mind me saying, you have quite a tendency to do yourself down. Life’s too short to be too self-critical. Trust me, it’s important to make every moment count, and self-loathing is a pointless waste of time. If you don’t like something about yourself, change it. But only change yourself for you, not for anybody else. Goodness me, I’m rather droning on a bit, aren’t I? It’s a professional hazard. I’m a trained counsellor you see. But today I’m on holiday, and shouldn’t take up any more of your time.”

Kate smiled and poured hot milk into the two cups. “I’ve enjoyed chatting to you. You’ve given me a lot to think about. In fact, I probably owe you for your professional opinion.”

Rissa laughed and took the cups from Kate. “In all seriousness, it sounds like you’ve had quite a lot to deal with in your past and present. I’ll be out of action for a few months, but if you did ever want to talk to someone, in a professional capacity, I’d be very happy for you to get in touch. And I’m not haggling for business, or trying to be pushy. I’d give you some counselling for free, but only if you ever felt you needed it.”

“Thanks,” said Kate. She should probably be offended that a stranger had suggested she need counselling. But there was something so genuine about Rissa, that it sounded like a very good idea. An idea Kate would happily tuck away in case she ever needed it.


WHEN RISSA APPEAREDupstairs with the coffee, she was surprised to find Jeff sitting up in bed reading.

“You took your time,” he said, grinning at her.

“I thought you’d be asleep, so didn’t rush.”

“I’ve had enough of sleeping. We’re on holiday, I need to make the most of it.”

Rissa handed him his mug. “I was chatting to our host Kate. She’s a lovely woman, but very lacking in confidence.”

“Oh God, you didn’t offer her counselling, did you?”

“So what if I did? Everyone should have counselling at least once in their life.”

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