Page 120 of Finding Victory

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Flicking his gaze between mine and Bobby’s, Jon shrugs and steps back into the room. “Okay, this is your show. You know what you want. TV on; yes or no?”

“Yeah,” Bobby mumbles. “Let’s get it back on. I want to watch.” Bobby throws his arm over my shoulders while Jon fusses with the TV. Setting it up just in time, the announcers declare Jimmy’s in the tunnel, and Eminem’sTill I Collapseroars through the speakers.

Of course I know the brothers are two different people. Different choices, different personalities, but it still surprises me when Jim doesn’t walk out to Fort Minor.

It shouldn’t surprise me. But still, it does.

The crowd roars and competes with the music. They grow louder as Jim and Iz cross the threshold to the main arena hand in hand.

Jon grumbles and wipes his hand across his face. “That shit doesn’t feel the same anymore.” He looks to Bobby. “They’re not brother and sister.”

Bobby smiles softly. “They’re not together. But no, they’re not brother and sister.”

“It’s fuckin’ weird.”

The speakers pump loud enough the music sends shots of adrenaline zinging through my blood. Aiden walks out close behind Jim and Iz, his fight face on and his hand resting on Jim’s shoulder. As I watch him, pride warms me from the inside out.

Pride for all of the guys.

None of them would be where they are if it weren’t for the collective. It may be Jimmy in the octagon tonight, but without Aiden’s training, he wouldn’t be there.

Same with Jon.

Bobby may be the one who will, hopefully, walk away victorious, but without his brothers, he wouldn’t be here. This is a win for the Rollin family, not just the single fighter, and the best part is, they all know it. None of them take it for granted.

“James Kincaid, twenty-three years old, weighing in at two hundred and five pounds on the dot.”The announcer’s droning voice slides through the television speakers. I grip onto Bobby’s arm nervously.“There must be something magical in their mama’s breastmilk, because his big brother fights next.”

“That’s one. If that asshole talks about my mom’s boobs again, I’ll rip his balls out.” Bobby’s body shakes with adrenaline.

But it gets worse.

“Where is she? Mrs. Kincaid, are you here tonight?”The cameras pan the audience in search.

“I’m gonna fucking kill him,” Bobby growls. The camera finds her in the front row with a tinge of embarrassment and hunched shoulders. Just like the rest of us tonight, she got dressed up. Hair. Makeup. Dress. She shouldn’t hunch in like that.

Jack sits close beside her, and Casey on her other side.

The seat next to Jack is empty.

My seat.

“Looks like Kincaid’s girlfriend, the young Catherine that was attacked last year, is MIA tonight. Trouble in paradise, perhaps?”The crowd boos dramatically. I don’t know if they’re booing him, or me for not being there, but that’s forgotten as we watch on live television when my little brother throws his arm over my mother-in-law’s shoulder protectively, and both he and Tink flip their rude fingers to the camera.“Hmm,”the television voice sneers,“seems the Kincaids have a penchant for being rude to the media.”

“That’s Jack Kincaid,”the co-announcer interjects. My heart speeds ahead of me as footage of Jack’s amateur fights flash across the screen. When did they even film that? I should be out there protecting him.“Watch that space,”the co-announcer says.“Just like his brothers, he’s making waves, and that’s his sister you’re bitchin’ about. He’s barely sixteen years old and two for two. I intend to put money on that kid in a few years.”

I appreciate the man’s good words about Jack, but his research has gaping holes, considering Jack’s last name isn’t even Kincaid.

The men keep chattering, but the cameras pan back to Jimmy as he stands at the octagon entry with Iz. Aiden taps him on the shoulder and talks to Jim, shouted instructions over the still booming roar of the crowd. With a nod, nod, nod, Jim accepts the white mouthguard Aiden offers, but before he pushes it into his mouth, he turns to Iz and brings her in tight, pressing the longest, sweetest kiss to her forehead.

Eyes closed, leaning against each other, they hold on until the announcers declare it’s time to go. Stepping back, Jim pushes the mouthguard in and winks at Iz.

Jesus, just love each other, already!

“And here comes our defender, Anthony ‘The Italian’ Venicila, weighing in at a tidy two hundred and three pounds, and standing at six foot, one and a half inches.”The crowd cheers as we watch Jim’s opponent walk through the tunnel with his entourage of about twelve.Crank That Soulja Boyblasts noisily where Jim’s song left off, and I can’t decide if I want to dance, or if it’s the most obnoxious thing I’ve ever heard.

He slaps hands with all of the crowd that reach out for him. He loves the attention. Not just loves it, butlovesit!

Jimmy just wanted to hold onto Iz. He didn’t see the offered hands. But Venicila sees them. He slaps so many, I make a mental note to Lysol Jim’s hands once he’s done fighting.

Bobby pulls me into his lap as Venicila steps into the octagon. The doors close and lock the two fighters and one referee in.

It begins.
