Page 26 of Finding Forever

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“I don’t wanna go anywhere. Can’t we just stay home and watch Disney? We can climb into bed and snuggle. My clothes are already annoying me.”

Kit takes my other hand and flashes a sadistic smile. “Iz, if you don’t get in the car right this second, I’m going to tell you a secret.”

I stop in my tracks and smile like Evie. “Ooh, tell me the secret.”

“That bed you want to get back into right now…” We turn as one and study the giant plush bed. It looks so inviting. “Bobby and I had s-e-x in there. Lots and lots of dirty s-e-x.”

“Ew! Stop.” I slam my hand over her face and move into the hall. “That’s my brother. You’re gross.”

“So…?” She lifts a brow. “Do you want to go back to bed? Or do you want to come to dinner?”

Like I sucked on a lemon, I scowl and move out the front door. “Neither. Now we have to go bed shopping.”

* * *

Swinging the door wide and greeting us with a smile, the only mother I’ve ever known lights up for her visitors. “Hi, girls!” Delicious aromas waft in the warm air.

“Hey, Nelly.” Kit moves in for the first hug.

“Hey, sweetheart.” She cups Kit’s face. “You look beautiful. My boy treating you right?”

“Yes, ma’am. You taught him well.”

Nell smirks and turns to Tink. “Casey. You look stunning, honey.”

“Hi there, Mrs. Kincaid. Thanks for having us.”

“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Nell?” She shakes her head sadly. “You’re going to marry my Jon one day, may as well get used to me.”

“Ugh. Can you stop with that! Nobody’s marrying anyone.”

I was laughing. I was enjoying Nell’s teasing, but Tink’s simple sentence wipes the smirk right off my face. Because ain’t that the truth.

“We’ll see.” Nell smiles arrogantly before turning her attention to me. She takes me in her arms and holds me the way she has my whole life. When you have no real mother, when your brothers’ hugs just aren’t what you need, sometimes a woman’s hug is the only that’ll do.

Nelly was that for me.

Not my mother. But the closest thing after Jon.

He was mother, father, brother, protector, mentor, guidance counselor, and sacrificial lamb all in one. I know why my pregnancy hurt him. I know I let him down after all he did for me. Now I just hope my baby will bring him pleasure, not more worry.

“How’s my grandbaby?” Nell pulls back and takes my hands. She doesn’t notice the way my eyes shutter at her innocent question. In another world, with better choices, maybe this baby could truly be her grandchild. “Are you coming to meet Grandma sometime soon, Bean? Grandma loves you already.”

“Gramma…” Nell’s eyes snap up at Evie’s soft word. She’s like a chirping baby bird. “Gramma.”

“Oh, Nell.” I release one hand and turn. “These are our very good friends. Tina, and her cutie pie, Evie.”

“I Evie!” Her curls bounce with her confident words. “And you’re Gramma.”

“Oh, no baby. That’s Mrs. Kincaid.” Tina extends her hand to shake Nell’s. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

“No, not ma’am. Not Mrs. Kincaid. I’m Nelly.” She pulls the pair in for a gentle hug. “And it’s truly wonderful to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you both.”

Evie leans in and smacks a loud kiss on Nell’s cheek. Pulling back with tenderness written in every pore, Nell looks at the toddler with love in her eyes. “Oh my gosh, that was a lovely kiss, Evie. Thank you so much.”

Evie smirks proudly. “You’re welcome.”

“Come inside, please.” She steps aside to let us pass. “Let’s get out of the cold.”
