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I was proud of JoJo for being strong. Regardless that we’d seen Penelope in this state for days, I still wasn’t used to it. I never wanted to get used to it.

An unfamiliar nurse appeared at the far end of the corridor. Her steps were clipped as she moved closer and closer in my direction. I kept my hands in my pockets as if I were supposed to be exactly where I was.

What did I care if we were caught seeing Penelope? We were almost out of here. The staff expected it of us anyway. It wasn’t as if they could spare a person to keep watch at Penelope’s door.

An arm slid around my waist. I folded JoJo against me as she took a minute to compose herself.

Dr. Anderson arrived with three other nurses.

“Once we prepare Penelope for flight, we’ll be off,” he said in lieu of a greeting, which was perfectly fine with me.

I steered JoJo out of the doorway to allow the entourage to pass.

She grabbed Dr. Anderson’s arm. “Take care of her.Please.”

“I will.”

We stayed outside the room, once again watching through the glass. The team moved with precision.

I held my breath when they switched the ventilator to battery power. The steadybeep-beephardly missed a beat.

They waited a few moments to make sure Penelope and the equipment were stable.

In no time, they wheeled her out of the room.

We followed as they rushed her to the elevator. The crew piled inside the large car.

We weren’t allowed.

As the doors slid closed, my heart rate sped up. We had to trust Dr. Anderson and the team around her to get her to the city safely.

JoJo clapped a hand over her mouth and stared at the closed doors for a minute.

I was as torn as she was, desperate to demand we be able to go with our daughter.

Reality was we couldn’t. And if we hurried, she wouldn’t be in the new facility long without us.

“Daniel and Vivian are waiting,” I said against her hair.

And with that, we were off to start the next chapter in Penelope’s recovery.



She’s breathing.

We hadn’t been far behind Penelope, but by the time we reached New York, she was already settled in her new place.

Savannah House was quite something.

Dr. Anderson hadn’t exaggerated when he said it was like an apartment.

No one tried to stop us as we rushed toward Penelope’s side.

A nurse adjusted her pillow and seemed in no hurry to move to the next patient the way they had at the hospital.

“I’m Ana,” she said quietly with a smile. “We’re going to get your daughter all fixed up.”
