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Which only served to irritate Kane.

“And it’s up to you to help her.”

“I intend to do just that.”

Dr. Anderson cleared his throat. “I can stay a few more days, but in my absence, Dr. Ellis is the best choice for Penelope’s recovery.”

Kane looked at Dr. Anderson skeptically, but kept his mouth shut.

“If there’s nothing more, I have a call scheduled with a physician in Boston who specializes in head trauma regarding Miss Cunningham’s concussion.” Dr. Ellis offered Kane his card. “I’ll be by often, but you can reach me on my cell any time.”

Some of the tension left the room when he did.

“He’s good. I wouldn’t have brought Penelope here if he wasn’t,” Dr. Anderson said.

“I hope you’re right,” Kane muttered as he dropped into the chair beside me.

“She did well during the flight. Everything went smoothly,” he said, ignoring Kane’s incendiary words.

“Is Dr. Ellis right? That she might not breathe on her own again?” My chest seized at the thought of Penelope on a ventilator . . . until we took her off.

Dr. Anderson frowned. “It’s a possibility, but I won’t try to use a crystal ball to predict an unknown outcome. Unfortunately, we have to wait and see.”

I was impatient.

I wanted answers now. None of us had that luxury.

“When can you return to New York?” Kane asked.

“I’m rearranging some things in my schedule to facilitate that very thing, but it will be at least a month.”

“We’ll take care of your travel expenses,” Kane said.

“I appreciate that.”

“You have a lot of people who need your care. We’re grateful you dropped everything to be here,” I said. He could’ve helped maybe hundreds of patients in the time he’d spent with Penelope.

I knew one human life wasn’t more important than another, but to me, Penelope was the most important.

“I’m going to confer with some other colleagues. I’ll be back to check on Penelope later.”

Dr. Anderson had barely left the room when Kane spoke. “I don’t like him.”

“Dr. Anderson?” I asked incredulously. He’d been wonderful.

“The other one. Dr. Hotshot.”



“You werewith him less than five minutes.”

JoJo taking up for the doctor irritated me.

“That was enough for me.” I folded my arms over my chest.

“What don’t you like about him?”
