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When he put things that way, it was difficult to make any kind of defense. I was pleased to see Neil. We’d been friends and colleagues for a long time. He cared for Penelope, and she’d be happy for his support.

Why couldn’t Kane see that no one had ever or would ever compare to him?

I stalked around Penelope’s bed and muscled my way between his legs. “If you want to argue, we’re not doing it here.”

“I have nothing more to say.” He drifted his gaze to the side, focusing on Penelope.

I bent and took his jaw in my hand. “You think you know everything.”

“I know what I see.”

That cold look sent a chill through me.

“Jealousy doesn’t become you.” Though secretly I liked that he cared enough about me to be so ridiculous. Those were the feelings of an immature person, but it was true.

“If you want to be with Neil, that’s your business.”

I leaned forward so my face was almost in his. “It’s yours too.”

His nostrils flared. “I have to concentrate on getting Penelope well. I can’t concern myself with another woman who can’t be faithful.”

I stumbled back. “Don’t you dare talk to me about faithfulness.”

“I’m not the one getting flowers from other men.” He glanced around. “Have you seen any other women come by to ‘check on Penelope’?” He made air quote motions with his fingers.

“I haven’t so much as looked at another man since I met you. So I’m an expert in faithfulness.” I hadn’t meant to say that. I’d never fully examined why I hadn’t been interested in other men. Of course, once I’d been thrust into motherhood, I hadn’t had the time.

But it was more than that.

No one had ever made me feel that buzz of electricity Kane had. Maybe it was a romantic notion, but I’d wanted it all. That instant connection. That whirlwind attraction that morphed into something that could withstand the test of time.

I wanted someone who couldn’t live without me. Someone I couldn’t live without.

Did that even exist?

Kane made me want to find out.

He blinked at me before fury shadowed his eyes. “And I’m supposed to believe you were pining for me? You must take me for a fool.”

“I never feel . . . I can’t even explain it.” I leaned against the bed. “When you’re near . . . when I think about you, I feel this energy. Like everything inside me is moving.” I lowered my head. “That’s never happened with anyone. And I’m not a woman who settles.”

“What about Neil?” he asked petulantly.

I threw my hands up. “Are you even listening to me? I’m trying to tell you no one else compares to you. When I say no one, that’s exactly what I mean.”

“I don’t like him.”

“That’s the newsflash of the century.” I turned and fiddled with Penelope’s blankets and kissed her good night. “I’m going to bed,” I said as I stormed past Kane. I’d only taken a few steps when I whirled back around. “Want to hear the sick thing? I like that you care enough to be jealous.”

My heart raced as I moved into the bedroom. I yanked my shirt over my head and tossed it on a nearby chair. Ferociously, I dug through my bag and found the nightgown I hadn’t put on since I’d packed it for our trip to the Hamptons.

The weekend certainly had turned out different than I’d expected.

I shoved off my leggings.Barn. I don’t think so.

Kane couldn’t live with a woman who was unfaithful.

Icouldn’t live with a man who would never trust me.
