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JoJo was on her knees in front of the operating room down the hall, pounding the floor with her fists.

Fear froze me.

There was only one reason she’d be like this.

I couldn’t accept that.

I wouldn’t.

No. No. No.

My steps were leaden as I approached JoJo.


I slid down the wall, unable to stand.

Penelope was the only person who’d ever made me weak-kneed.

She couldn’t be gone.


I wanted to reach out to JoJo. I needed her. But I couldn’t move.

The world around me blurred. Noise warbled into a sound like I was underwater.

Except the beep. The long, flat beep of death.

Was I breathing?

My chest hurt, like there was too much pressure and nothing inside me functioned properly.

Like my heart was in tune with Penelope’s and wouldn’t work if hers didn’t.

JoJo shook violently, still beating the floor. I couldn’t hear her sobs. Couldn’t hear anything but white noise.

The staff we’d come to know in our time here didn’t try to console us or stop us from causing a scene.

Soul-crushing pain jolted through me.

A few weeks ago, I would’ve been in ignorant bliss if something happened to Penelope.

She’d suffered because of me. Because of JoJo. Because of that monstrous woman I’d stayed married to for far too long.

Now everything hurt.

I couldn’t turn it off. Couldn’t make it stop.

But I’d rather have this pain and know her than to never have spent time with Penelope.

How was I supposed to go on?

My life was fundamentally changed.

I wasn’t the same person I was when JoJo walked into my office.

And all that money I’d put so much faith in was useless. It couldn’t give me the one thing I wanted more than anything.
