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He jogged back the direction he’d come from.

I scooped Barn into my arms. “She’s alive.”

She didn’t look at me. Her gaze was unfocused and her breaths were shallow.


“Right behind you, Mr. Zegas. She’s in shock.”

With quick steps, I strode back to Penelope’s room and deposited JoJo on the sofa. Nurse Ana took vitals wordlessly.

I stayed out of the way, thrilled Penelope was still with us and worried for JoJo.

Her cheeks were blotchy red from her tears, yet the rest of her face was pale. Deathly so.

I was quickly reaching my limit of trauma for the day.

“Her pulse is low. I want to put her in a room—”

“She’ll want to be here when Penelope returns.”

Nurse Ana nodded. “Let me get her some juice and something to eat. Her blood sugar is low too.”

I sat on the coffee table and took JoJo’s fingers in mine. If she felt me, she gave no indication.

“Barn, listen to me. It’s important.”

She blinked. That was something.

“Are you listening? Squeeze my fingers if you hear me. I don’t want you to miss what I have to tell you.”

The blank stare remained.

“Fine. Be difficult.” I squeezed her fingers instead since she couldn’t or wouldn’t comply. “Penelope is alive.”

I snapped my fingers in front of her face. “Hey. Did you hear me? Penelope is alive.”

Still no response.

I took her jaw and shook as I hovered above her. “Penelope. Is. Alive.”

Those green-gold eyes darted to mine.

I nodded. “She’s breathing. Dr. Hotshot saved her.”

“She’s—?” JoJo’s voice was rough.


“I thought—”

“She was.” I released my grip on her jaw. “He wouldn’t give up until she was back.”

I’d have to thank him for that someday . . . way in the future when Penelope was healthy.

“Is she?”

“Going to make it? We have to take it one minute at a time.”
