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“You better start being concerned or JoJo will find another man.” He smirked. “In case you forgot, she doesn’t need your money.”

“Where else is she going to find someone like me?” I scoffed.

My problem was she could find a better man. If I took the time to examine it, that was my beef with Neil. He was more suited for her. They had things in common. And obviously he could be romantic when needed.

I was more like getting knocked over the head with a blunt object.

And screw him for taking away my ability to buy flowers for JoJo if I ever had the whim. I’d just have to think of something better.

“Uh-oh.” Patrick pointed his pen at me. “I don’t like that look.”

“It’s nothing,” I brushed off. “Why are you here?”

“That’s quite a thing to ask the man who is keeping your business open.” He clicked the pen and unclicked it in an annoying fashion. “And PS . . . don’t ask JoJo where else she could find someone like you.”

“Thanks for the advice.” I itched to snatch the pen from his fingers.

“I thought falling in love and becoming a father would make you less uptight.”

“I am not uptight.”

He pointed again with that stupid pen. “See. Uptight.”

“My daughter almost died today.” I threw my hands up.

His expression turned somber. “That’s why I’m here. To annoy you enough to make you forget that for a few minutes.”

“Marlow kicked you out of the house, didn’t she?”

He grinned. “No way. If she did, she’d have me back before she could blink. She can’t live without me.”

I rolled my eyes. “PS . . . don’t say that to Marlow.”

“I’m taking Little Dude to work tomorrow. Mind if we come by here? He’s good . . . loud sometimes, but good.”

I admired the way Patrick had taken to the boy like he was his own. Would I have been able to do the same thing in his position?

I wasn’t sure, but I liked to think so.

Knowing me, I’d be jealous every time I looked at a kid JoJo had made with someone else. Thankfully she wasn’t like me.

And what kind of barbarian was I that I was happy she didn’t have children with another man?

I needed my head examined.

“Penelope likes him. It might be good for her to have him around.” I sniffed bitterly. “Someone with some energy. We’re a drag.”

“That’s nothing new.” He tapped the pen on his thigh. “Are you ready for me to present our evidence to the authorities regarding Alma’s premeditated murder attempt?”

The question was a gut punch. It was true. She had planned to seriously injure Penelope. And Whitley was in a better headspace to stop thinking of the wreck as an accident.

Because it was no accident.

I leaned my elbows on my knees. “I don’t know.”

“What’s wrong with you? I’ve never heard you say ‘I don’t know’ and it’s happened twice in this conversation.” His brows furrowed.

I glanced toward the open door. “I’m not sure what to do with her.” I kept my voice low.
