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He lifted one of the dressings covering the wound on her face. “This one is going to be permanent. I can’t do anything to prevent the scarring.”

“If that’s the worst, we can live with that.” Kane gently touched Penelope’s leg.

I didn’t care what my daughter looked like. Nothing would change my love for her. But she didn’t deserve to see a reminder every day of the horrific attempt on her life.

Would we be better off telling her it was an accident?

How could I ever explain her biological mother tried to kill her?

I prayed she’d blacked out before suffering. That she didn’t have time to be scared as the cement block hit her windshield and she spun out of control.

“Do we need to locate another specialist?” I asked quietly.

“I’ve made a call to every doctor I know and don’t know.” Dr. Ellis looked at Penelope with a determined gaze. “I won’t let you die.”

Something had changed in his demeanor. I wasn’t sure what it was exactly except he didn’t seem quite so detached.

Was he finally invested in Penelope?

Or was it for selfish reasons? If he managed to nurse such a critical patient back to heath, it would escalate his status in the medical field.

I didn’t really care about his motivation as long as she came through this.

“You’re going to be just fine, Lamb.”

Kane’s words tugged at my already fragile heart. He was handling this far better than I was, though his outward appearance indicated the situation was taking its toll.

“I’ll be here overnight to check on Miss Cunningham periodically. I suggest you both get some rest.” With one last look at Penelope, he left.

“He saved her life,” I said, stroking her cheek.

“Or he almost cost her it.” Kane spoke through his teeth. “That internal bleeding could’ve killed her.”

“He found it. He’s good. And he promised he won’t let her die.”

“Unless he’s God, he can’t guarantee that.”

“If you’re going to be negative, take it somewhere else,” I snapped. The last thing I wanted was an argument, especially with Kane. I was too drained from the past twenty-four hours.

Penelope needed us united, not at each other’s throats.

“I’m realistic,” he grated out.

“You heard the doctor. Go get some rest before you say something in front of your daughter you can’t take back.”

He pressed his lips together as if it took a great effort not to respond with a snippy comment.

Instead of walking away, he inched closer to me. “I love both of you more than I ever thought I was capable of, but I am a man who has limits. Don’t push me into an argument.”

“Me? I don’t want to fight. I’m too exhausted.” I was ready to collapse. I wasn’t sure how long I’d slept, but it didn’t feel like enough.

“Why are you?”


His lips landed on mine. I let out a startled cry that was muffled by his mouth.

I pushed at his chest at the same time I inched my face closer to his. My emotions were all over the place. I needed this distraction, though I could hardly enjoy it.
