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I need to see you. Meet me at the ship.



I jolted upright.

The room was quiet. Next to me, the bed was cold and empty.

I listened for a moment. There was nothing immediately noticeable that could have woken me.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and fumbled around for my discarded pants.

Once I had them on, I shrugged on a shirt, buttoning as I moved into Penelope’s room.

She lay still as she had been since the accident.

And she was alone.

Where are you, Barn?

She hardly left our daughter’s side for a bathroom break, so where was she?

I patted my pants pocket for my phone, then realized how ridiculous that was. JoJo had no idea where her phone was. Attempting to call her was futile.

“Where is she, Lamb?”

Naturally, Penelope didn’t respond.

I checked the bathroom, just in case.

No JoJo.

I poked my head out into the hall. The lights were dimmer than during the daytime hours, and it was quiet. The only sign of life was the nurse stationed behind a desk.

“Have you seen JoJo?” I’d seen this woman a few times, but we’d never spoken. She might not know who JoJo was. Then again, wasn’t it their job to know everything about the people in this facility?

“No, sir. But I just came on shift about fifteen minutes ago. Miss Cunningham wasn’t there when I checked on Penelope.”

I gave a curt nod and wandered down the hall in both directions, coming up empty in my search for JoJo.

Once I was back in Penelope’s room, I leaned against the bed.

JoJo was a grown woman allowed to go anywhere she pleased without notifying or asking permission.

But it was unlike her.

A niggling sense of fear tingled the back of my neck.

I was overreacting. My already frazzled nerves were sensitive. When she came back, she’d laugh at me for being so crazy.

“Where are you, Barn?”

Now I was talking to people who weren’t there. Maybe I needed more sleep to get my mind right. I couldn’t do that until I found JoJo.

She’d been so fragile all day, and rightly so.

I didn’t think she’d harm herself. Not when Penelope needed her.
