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The darkness was too much. I needed to see her beautiful face. Her image formed in my mind’s eye, though it disappeared as quickly as it came.

“Actually, you need to hurry up. I miss you.”

She missed me.

How could she miss me? I was right here.

The pain shifted to my chest. I missed her too.

I tried to open my mouth. It felt as if it were clamped shut.

I had things I wanted to say . . . if I could just remember them.

“I love you, you crazy man.”

She better be talking to me.Why did she sound so far away?

Something pressed to my forehead. For a second, the pain was gone, then it roared back with a vengeance all the way through my body.

Don’t go, Barn.

The whooshing noise in my head was back.




I strained to hear anything. But there was nothing.

Only pain.

And a hollowness that I was alone . . . again.



“I should begrateful for the silence.”

I’d snuck out of my hospital room for a third time to see Kane. For some reason, I couldn’t shut up, desperately hoping he’d get annoyed and wake up to tell me to be quiet.

The staff wasn’t too pleased with my behavior, but I wasn’t concerned.

Kane needed me.

And I needed him.

“It’s odd when you’re not talking. I hate to admit it, but I miss your voice.” I aimed to sound strong, though I wasn’t sure it was working.

“I could use a good argument.”

If he was back with me, I’d take that over this silence.

“But I can’t really do that when you’ve been shot.”

Alma had shot Kane. A few inches one way, he’d have been paralyzed. A few inches another, he’d have been dead.
