Page 10 of Free Me (Free 1)

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No sooner than I hung up did Diane came through with another call. Back to business as usual.

The best laid plans.I’d decided to go by the food truck early, which had very little to do with making sure Trish didn’t get a citation and everything to do with the fact I wanted to see her again. That didn’t happen.

Diane’s husband fell ill, so she left around lunchtime. The phone constantly rang, and every time I didn’t answer, I watched the message count on the digital display go up. Somehow, I managed to break the coffee makerandthe copy machine. By the middle of the afternoon, I began to wonder if Diane really needed me here. This thing was falling apart without her.

I scratched my head as I took the stairs to the ground level of my office building. Diane had to have taken a vacation at some point over the time we’d worked together. I wracked my brain and couldn’t recall even an afternoon off in eleven years. I was a terrible boss.

I sent off a short text to see how her husband was feeling. It only took her three seconds to reply that he was much better and she’d be back to work first thing in the morning. My fingers hovered over the touchscreen. I should tell her to take the day off. But I needed her. So I texted back I was glad to hear it and dimmed the screen.

Patrick was alreadyat the restaurant when I arrived a few minutes late.

“You look like you’ve been in a tornado,” he said as I sank down in the seat across from him.

I glanced down. My tie was loosened at the neck and askew. My shirt looked like I’d picked it up this morning out of the bottom of the dirty laundry hamper. I didn’t bother examining the rest of my suit.

“How did I graduate law school?” I asked, slumping in the seat.

“I’ve wondered that for years,” he quipped, and I cut my eyes over to him. The waiter arrived and Patrick pointed as his glass of whiskey. “Make his a double.”

As the waiter walked away, I pinched the bridge of my nose to ward off an oncoming headache.

“What’s going on with you?” Patrick asked. “Where’s Mr. Easygoing and what have you done with him?”

“Damned if I know.” I unrolled my napkin, lining up the silverware on the table and smoothing the linen napkin across my lap. “We’re supposed to be here for you.”

“I’m thinking we might need to talk about you more.”

The waiter returned with my drink. I gulped half and set the glass down with a thud. “Diane was gone for half a day, and the ship nearly sank.”

“Ah, I see now. A man with a law degree should be able to keep his practice afloat for at least an afternoon.”

I pointed at him. “Exactly.” I took another swallow of my drink. “I also realized that I’m not sure if my secretary has taken a day off the entire time she’s worked for me. I’m thinking since I don’t remember, she probably hasn’t.”

Patrick’s mouth fell open. “How has she not quit?”

“I have no idea.” I tapped the end of my fork a few times. “No worries. She’ll be back first thing in the morning.”

“And will spend three days fixing the mess you managed to make in a few hours.”

“Aren’t friends supposed to tell you everything is going to be okay? I’m pretty sure you should have already told me I’m an amazing boss.”

“I called you a brilliant legal mind earlier today. That’s the only compliment you’re getting until I need something else from you.” Patrick’s face brightened with a sly grin.

“We should do this more often.” I felt my own cheeks fill out.

“You always were a glutton for punishment.”

“Guess I can’t call you to be my wingman anymore.”

Patrick’s eyes narrowed. “I’d better be your first choice.”

“You’re in a serious relationship.” I glanced at my watch. “What time do you need to leave? I’d hate for you to be late.”

“Shut up.” His eyes lifted toward the ceiling, and I grinned.

“Next thing I know, you’ll be canceling plans with me. I’ll be going to the Knicks games by myself. Sitting alone at the bar.” I put on my best pout.

Patrick leaned across the table and punched me in the arm. “It’s not serious.”
