Page 103 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“I appreciate you being here,but I don’t need a bodyguard.”

“Would it help if I told you Sonya made me come?” Drew leaned against the counter and ogled his wife’s behind, who was currently bent over to retrieve a bundle of straws.

“It was your idea,” she said over her shoulder.

He shrugged and refilled his glass of lemonade.

I’d never had more than one other person work with me in the food truck, and that was trying at times. Three people? When the other two were Drew and Sonya? It was a lot, even for me. Although I loved them dearly for the help, I couldn’t believe it was Drew’s idea to come.

“How do you operate this thing on your own? Until Andrew showed up yesterday, we were limping along and there were four of us.”

Pride filled me. Because I could do anything. That one phrase had helped me survive for a lot of years.

“Trish and I are doing all the work now,” Sonya muttered.

“Somebody’s got to make sure this stuff is good enough for the customers.” Drew took a sip of his drink.

“We’re well past the taste tester stage.” Sonya poked her head out the window. “Hey. You’re walking by the best food you’ll ever eat,” she shouted at a man passing by.

He picked up his pace, and I grabbed the back of her shirt, pulling her inside.

“Should have flashed him, sugar.” Drew popped a hand-cut potato chip in his mouth. “And this isn’t taste testing. It’s quality control.”

“What about making sure your wife and children have something to eat? You haven’t done a thing all day but graze.”

“I’ve helped. Tell her, Trish.”

We’d been at this four hours, and I was about ready to close up shop. These two hadn’t quit since we left Paths this morning.

“Of course you’ve helped.” He had. Both of them had been a godsend during the lunch rush.

“Where’s all the eye candy that was here yesterday?” A woman lifted on her toes and peered inside the truck.

“Here I am.” Drew stepped forward. “What can I get for you, sugar?”

I groaned when he flashed her a grin and turned up his Texas drawl.

Sonya pinched his cheek. “You’ve only got one sugar,sugar.”

“Keep up being all possessive. You know what it does to me.”

“I’ll have one of everything,” the woman said, ignoring the two of them. “Especially you.”

“I’m flattered—”

“He’s not worth it, honey,” Sonya piped up from behind him.

“I’ll be the judge of that.” She tossed him a wink.

“You’ll end up looking like this.” Sonya stepped up to the window and rubbed her giant belly.

The woman recoiled before her eyes slid back to Drew. She licked her lips. “I’ll take my chances.”

“Why aren’t you cooking?” Drew whispered-hissed to me. “She wants one of everything.”

“She wants you,” I retorted, unable to keep a smile from my lips. He appeared so pleased with himself it was impossible to be irritated.

I edged in front of both of them. “What would you like?”
