Page 105 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“Cake, lemonade, and a surprise?”

“Yep.” He leaned in like he was going to tell me a secret. “Can I have the special as my surprise?”

“I don’t want you comparing my cooking to yours.”

“I won’t be. Yours is better than mine and Dad’s combined.”


“Bright Side.”

“Whatever you ordered, I’m charging you double,” Drew said from behind me.

“Is that supposed to run me off?”

“No. We need all the customers we can get.” Drew winked at me, and I blushed.

“Hey. Wink at your own girl,” Andrew said, and my cheeks burned.

“Any chance you’d take mine. I’ll pay good money.”

“Trish,” she whined.

“I can’t do anything to help you,” I said. “You married him. You have to live with it.”

“What about my children? Don’t you want to save them?” She threw her hands up in dramatic fashion.

“I don’t know if we can,” I said solemnly.

“We’re just getting started, Tigress. I’ve decided I want six,” Drew said.

“Six? You’re out of your mind. You want six kids, you have them.”

“I’m going to.”

Andrew cleared his throat. “Think you two can hold down the fort while I eat? Give Trish a break?”

Sonya beamed at him. “If you show me those legendary forearms, we’d be happy to.”

“Uh—” He looked at me as if asking if she were being serious.

“Don’t do it,” I said, placing his items in a bag.

“Oh, come on.”

“Why do you need his when you’ve got mine?” Drew flexed his muscles, and Sonya pretended not to be impressed, though her eyes lingered.

“Here’s your lunch. I’ll meet you out front.” I held out the bag through the window, Andrew’s fingers brushing mine when he accepted it. Fire raced up my arm.

“You deserve a treat.”Andrew opened the box of cake and forked a bite, holding it up to my lips.

The sugary icing melted on my tongue, and I closed my eyes. “I needed that.”

“They been at it all day?”

“All day,” I confirmed, unable to stop my smile. “It’s been kind of nice having them around.”

Andrew looked at me as if I’d lost it. “I like them, but they’re over the top.”
