Page 148 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“I won’t let that happen again,” I vowed.

“You can’t stop it. He might go back to prison now, but eventually, he’ll get out again. I have to protect my daughter.”

“You mean our daughter,” Huxley’s voice growled as Trish paled. I turned, blocking Huxley’s view of her. “Did you think I let anyone else have you unprotected?” He snorted as Officer Wilson dragged him toward the squad car. “I have rights. You’d better not try to keep me from my own flesh and blood, sweetheart.”

Trish stepped around me and marched straight up to Huxley. “You will never see her. I don’t care if it kills me, I won’t let you anywhere near her.”

Another police SUV pulled up.

“That gonna be big enough for this haul?” Drew shoved Allegra forward.

Patrick was right behind them with Huxley’s sister. Daniel’s team appeared none too happy that we hadn’t let them handle the situation, but I was relieved we’d gotten Trish back. She and I stayed on the porch as they all were loaded in the vehicles.

Officer Wilson approached us once Huxley was secured, his face apologetic. “We don’t have to do it now, but I’m going to need a statement,” he said on a wince.

“You’re hurt.” She pointed at his shoulder.

“It’s nothing.” He glared at the ambulance when it arrived.

Trish reached for my hand, linking our fingers. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Bright Side, we need to get you checked out by the medics.”

She nodded and led me toward the ambulance. I marveled at the strength of this woman I’d nearly given up. That was a mistake I wouldn’t repeat.

“You don’t have to stay,” she said as she climbed into the back.

I refused to let go of her. “I’m not going anywhere.” Her eyes searched mine. “Ever.”

Chapter Forty-Two


I wanted my daughter.

Which was why I’d sped through the interrogation with Timothy and insisted I was fine to the medics. They’d been thorough, though. My cuts weren’t deep enough to need stitches even though they still stung like they were on fire. At least they’d given me a pair of scrubs to wear since my clothes had been shredded. Three hours later, Daniel couldn’t drive his SUV fast enough.

“Officer Wilson seemed pretty shaken up that he’d dated that woman,” Andrew said, stroking the top of my hand with his thumb.

“I tried to tell him this wasn’t his fault,” I said quietly.

“For a minute there, I thought he was in on it too.” He shuddered, and I gripped his fingers.

“I wasn’t sure, either.” I couldn’t believe an officer of the law had been involved with keeping me as a sex slave, but she had been. And Huxley’s sister? I didn’t know he had a sister, let alone that she was FBI or the lengths she’d go to for her brother.

Was there anything true I’d known about him?

“Trish, I’m so sorry.” Patrick’s face twisted in pain. He’d already apologized profusely.

“I know it’s your job. And I know if you’d had any idea it was me, you’d have never helped him.”

He dropped his chin to his chest. “I might’ve.” With wary eyes, he met mine. “She blackmailed me.”

“You tried every way to get out of it. I’ve never seen you so reluctant to take a case,” Andrew said.

“But I did it anyway,” he shouted. “I could’ve gotten Trish killed. Or worse, back as his fucking sex slave.” I bristled, and Patrick winced. “Sorry. Shit. I’m just so sorry.”

Andrew stiffened beside me. “I helped you.”
