Page 150 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“Shit,” Sonya said when she took in my bare feet. The paramedics had an extra pair of scrubs with them but no socks. “Let’s get you inside.” Her tone was uncharacteristically gentle as she guided me toward the entrance to the shelter.

“Trish,” Mrs. Quinn choked out as we passed her.

I ran into her arms. She’d been like a mother to me. Had taken care of Ella and me for all these months. I shook with sobs. The fear for what could have been took over. I was overwhelmed with being jolted back to the past. Overwhelmed with the love I had now. The support. The family.

Before, there had been no one to look for me. No one to miss me or even care that I’d disappeared. In only a few hours, I was back where I belonged. If it weren’t for these people, I’d likely have died trying to get back to my daughter.

“You’re safe.” Her words sounded as if she were trying to convince herself.

She rubbed my back until I’d composed myself. Mr. Dixon nodded, his relieved expression saying more than words ever could.

Marlow stood beside him. She went in for an awkward hug, catching me by surprise. The woman wasn’t affectionate, at least not that I’d seen.

“Your baby girl is ready to see you,” she said in my ear.

“I’m ready to see her too.” I gave her an extra squeeze. “Thank you for taking care of her today.”

“I won’t do it again if this is what happens.” Marlow blinked rapidly, again throwing me off balance.

“It won’t.” I took her hand in mine. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

She vehemently shook her head. “You would.”

“Baker said you sounded the alarm.”

“You wouldn’t be late. Not without calling,” she said insistently.

“No. I wouldn’t.”

I ranto the dining room. Muriella rocked Ella and Blake in their carriers on top of one of the tables. She beamed at me when I snatched my daughter up and into my arms. I peppered her face with kisses. She screamed. Until she giggled.

I laughed with her. “I love you, sweet girl.” She responded with her version of a smile. “Mommy’s never going to let anything happen to you.”

“Neither am I.” I spun to find Andrew standing right behind me. “To either of you,” he corrected.

His hands twitched at his sides, but he shoved them in his pockets instead of reaching out for us.

I should break down. I’d freaked out when I’d heard the familiar voices before, and I probably would again. Something about having a family now gave me a comfort I didn’t know I needed. The past five years of my life had been beyond traumatic, the culmination tonight.

Yes, Huxley had found me. I shoved down the nausea that threatened to cripple me at the thought.

But these wonderful people hadn’t stopped until I was home. Safe. And that gave me strength. Kept me from dwelling on the what could’ve been and focused on the present. My daughter was in my arms and always would be. I was so overwhelmed with joy to see her, so happy to be saved. Huxley didn’t deserve my tears. Maybe one day what had happened would hit me, but right now, I just wanted to move forward.

It dawned on me.

The therapy I wasn’t sure was doing anything had helped. We’d been building toward coping with difficulty, and it worked.

More than anything, the man in front of me had encouraged me to be brave. It disturbed me that he and Patrick had helped Huxley, but seeing how upset they’d both been . . . I was confident they’d use their skills for good from now on. If I let anger take over, then my past won.

That wasn’t going to happen.

I stepped closer. “My past isn’t perfect.”

“I’m sorry.” He flinched as if in pain. “You don’t know how much.”

“I’m not angry with you,” I said honestly. “Hurt, but not angry.”

“I had my reasons. I didn’t let you explain the situation. That’s a mistake I won’t repeat.”
