Page 19 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“Is it wrong to say that your own cake is delicious?” I asked after I swallowed.

“Not if it’s true.” He scraped some of the icing off the top, closing his lips around the fork. “So where did you come up with the recipes?”

“That’s top secret,” I said mysteriously.

“Family recipes, huh?” My face fell. “Damn it. I’ve stepped in it again, haven’t I?”

I managed a little smile. “I don’t have any family,” I admitted.

“I’m sorry,” he said as if he bore the responsibility for that.

I waved it away like it was no big deal. “What about you?”

“A sister in Jersey. My brother’s in Wyoming. My dad lives about six blocks that way.” He pointed in the direction.

I waited for him to finish, but he never did. No mention of his mother. Was she gone from their lives or gonegone?

“Are you close with them?”

“Marlow and I are only a year and a half apart, so we’ve always been pretty tight. Holt, my brother, is seven years younger than I am. Living so far away makes it hard, but we stay in touch. He’s a park ranger at Yellowstone. I try to go out at least once a year to see him.”

“Yellowstone? Wow. The photos I’ve seen are beautiful.”

“They don’t even begin to capture reality,” he said, offering me another bite of cake before taking his own.

“What about your dad?”

“You’ve probably met him.”

My eyes rounded. “When?”

“I told him about your food truck. He informed me I should get out more. He’s been eating here since you opened,” he said.

“What’s he look like?” I held up my hand. “Never mind. I’ve met so many people that sometimes they all blend.”

“From what I’ve seen, they don’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“You seem to know your customers. Even the new ones. You make people comfortable and want to come back.”

“I want the food to speak for itself, but it’s important to me that customers have a good experience. No matter how limited the interaction.”

“Whatever you’re doing, it’s working.” He gestured back toward the truck where a line had formed again. “It’s four o’clock. Most places would have a lull about now, but you’re steady. I’m impressed, especially since some days you’re here by yourself.”

“Sonya helps me out, but she has her own store. I haven’t had time to hire anyone else.” I needed to talk to Mrs. Quinn. She could help me find someone from the shelter. I honestly hadn’t had the time to speak with any of the ladies who might be interested.

“If I hear of anyone, I’ll send them your way.”

“Thanks.” I glanced over my shoulder. “I should get back to work.”

Andrew looked disappointed. “Of course. Thanks for having dessert with me.”

“The break was nice.”

“Maybe next time we can make it a full meal.” I opened my mouth, but he held up his hand before I could protest. “Don’t shoot me down. I’d like to keep hoping.”

I pushed off the bench. “See you around.”
