Page 27 of Free Me (Free 1)

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The mentorship program intrigued me most. Women were partnered with successful businesses in their fields of interest, and they had internships and opportunities to start their own business.Was Trish a mentor?Her food truck was a success, and she had the kind of spirit to help others.

She impressed me even more. After a long day at work, she went straight to volunteer with the shelter. Despite that I’d seen just how tired she was, she still put others first. I was already determined to convince her to go on a date with me, but today, it had increased a thousandfold. I couldn’t wait to find out more about her. To see what was underneath those exterior layers.

There was more, a depth to her I was curious to discover in a way I’d never felt about another human being. A way to do that nearly blinded me from the page. A night of giving to benefit Paths of Purpose. The fundraiser was a few weeks away. I just had to figure out a way to get on that guest list.

Chapter Ten


I went straightto Mrs. Quinn’s office when I arrived home.

I wanted my daughter, but she didn’t need to hear what I had to say, despite that she most likely wouldn’t understand.

After I tapped lightly on the door, Mrs. Quinn’s warm voice invited me in.

“Trish,” she said as I stepped into her office.

I dropped into one of the leather chairs in front of her desk. “The attorney called me today. Huxley’s new counsel is pushing for a bond hearing. He thinks the judge is going to grant it.”

Mrs. Quinn came around to my side of the desk. She took the chair next to me and gripped my hand.

“Just because they have the hearing doesn’t mean it will be granted,” she said soothingly, though the creases around her eyes gave away her tension.

“It will be,” I assured her. “You don’t know Huxley. He’s . . . He’s . . .” I searched for the adequate words to describe him. “Persuasive.” That was the one I finally landed on.

“We have to trust the system. I’m sure the judge sees and hears all kinds of excuses on a daily basis,” she reassured me.

“I don’t trust the system,” I whispered. I’d been there the eleven months since Ella and I left the hospital. It had taken the authorities three agonizing weeks to find Huxley after I arrived and another two to arrest him no matter how much testimony I gave.

“We will keep you safe. Vivian and Daniel Elliott are behind you. They’ll do whatever it takes to make sure Huxley never finds you and Ella.” The conviction in her tone eased my doubts, but I was still on edge.

“We’re building a life here, and he’s going to take it.”

What Mrs. Quinn hadn’t defined was exactly “whatever it takes” meant. I knew. A life of hiding. Starting over someplace new. Always looking over our shoulders.

Ididtrust Vivian and Daniel, but their influence could only go so far. They were providing the best attorney money could buy. I was grateful even though I highly doubted I’d ever be able to repay them. Though that bothered me, my daughter was the most important thing. My pride meant nothing in comparison to her safety.

“We’ll make sure the only thing he takes is what you’re willing to give.” Mrs. Quinn was firm. I heard the anger behind her words.

My turmoil eased a bit, and I put on a brave face. “This was just a shock. It’s a hurdle, but we’ll get over it.”

Mrs. Quinn offered me a smile. “Miss Nece saved you a plate. And I’m sure Ella is ready to see her mother.”

And her mother is desperate to see her.

I pushed to my feet using the armrests on the chair. “Thanks. For everything.”

“I’m glad you trust me enough to come to me when you have a need. You know this, but I’ll say it again. My door is always open to you.”

I threw my arms around her neck, and a surprised “oomph” escaped her. She hugged me back, and I relaxed into her, burying my head against her shoulder. Mrs. Quinn rubbed my back, and it felt good knowing I wasn’t alone in the dark anymore. I’d been on my own far too long, starved for companionship. Now I had friends and, dare I say, a family for the first time in my life. I’d be damned before I let Huxley take it away from me.

“Try this gloss.”Baker smeared some on my lips with her pinky before I could say anything. “Ooh, I love it.” She steered me toward my bathroom mirror. “It’s Fairy Princess Pink.”

I gave her an incredulous look. “You named something ‘Fairy Princess Pink’?”

Pastels weren’t usually in her color palette. They disappeared against her Mediterranean complexion and didn’t fit her bold personality.

“I was thinking of Ella,” she huffed as she opened a compact containing who knew what.
