Page 29 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“Nonsense. You’re busy with your food truck.” I could picture her hand waving furiously about.

“It’s no probl—”

“I should have called you about catering the event. I wasn’t thinking. And thank you.”

My head spun. “Um, for what?”

“We’ve always outsourced everything for these events. I’m an idiot for not seeing it sooner.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not following you,” I said, giving Baker a helpless look.

“The women at Paths. Cindy’s working toward opening her flower shop. Janelle is interning with an event planner. Baker is at the magazine,” she rattled off. “My point is that you ladies should be involved. Thanks for making me see that.”

“You’re welcome?” I said hesitantly. I hadn’t said anything of the sort.

“I’ll come by and talk to them. Do you think they’d want to help?” For the first time, she sounded uncertain.

“Baker’s right here, if you want to ask.”

“How did I get involved?” Baker mouthed. There was no way I could answer her question.

“Can you do the dessert? I haven’t finalized the menu with the caterer. There’s no way they can argue with you doing at least that. If they do, I’ll just tell them to take a hike.” Vivian sounded like she was talking more to herself than me.

“Sure. I could do dessert. What do you have in mind?”

“Cake. Lots of beautiful cake,” she said almost dreamily. “We’ll get together in the next few days. Now let me talk to Baker.”

A few minutes later,a dazed Baker dropped my phone back into my hand. “She’s like a stun gun, isn’t she?”

I laughed. “Vivian can be. That’s for sure.”

“She wants me to put some of the makeup I’ve made on the auction block. I forgot I’d given her a lip gloss at the baseball game the other day.”

“That’s a terrific idea. Maybe you could throw in a makeover session. You’re amazing at painting my face,” I said, beaming at her.

“I’ll think about it.” I gave her a pointed look. “Okay. I’ll talk to her. She also wants to see what the magazine can throw in.”

“I’m sure they’ll do something. Hayden is so active around here, I’m surprised she hasn’t already volunteered to donate anything.”

Hayden was Baker’s mentor and boss. She owned the fashion magazine, and while she was tough, she was also generous with her time and money.

“So you’re doing dessert?” Baker elbowed me in the side, a goofyI told you sogrin on her face.

“Looks like it.” I tried to hide my smile but failed miserably. “What should we do? I was thinking maybe mini-champagne chiffon cakes.”

“What about chocolate lava?”

“How fancy is this party?” I asked, and Baker shrugged.

“No idea. Who cares, though? You should do what you want.”

“I’ll need a taste tester. Know of any volunteers?”

“I’m going to pretend you didn’t ask that,” she said, placing a hand on her hip. “Don’t bother bringing Sonya in for this one. She’ll like everything.”

“If I don’t and she finds out, I’m scared she’ll hurt me.” I shivered in mock-fear before I burst into giggles.

Baker held up her index finger to her lips and cut her eyes over to Ella. “Shh. You’ll wake the baby.”
