Page 36 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“She doesn’t get out much,” Baker said.

I fired her a warning look, but she shrugged and picked up the crayon, holding it out to Ella.

“Neither does he,” Marlow said. With that, the tension around the table dissolved.

Baker made herself at home in the empty chair beside Andrew’s brother.

“Audrey, there’s a seat here for you.” Mr. Dixon pulled out a chair and took the empty one next to her.

I prickled with anxiety. Ella was between the toddler and Andrew’s brother. The only empty chairs were next to Marlow. I needed my daughter close by.

“My manners are a little better than that one there.” Andrew’s look-alike flashed a grin and flicked his chin toward the little boy. “I won’t let him try to turn her to the dark side.”

“That’s my kid you’re talking about.” Marlow wadded up her paper napkin ring and threw it at his head.

“My delightful sister is already on the dark side.”

“I did the best I could with them,” Mr. Dixon lamented, covering his forehead with his hand.

“Do you have a name, Miss Easy On The Eyes?”

Baker leaned closer at the decadent tone of Andrew’s brother’s voice. “Baker.”

“It’s a pleasure, Baker. I’m Holt.”

“Like father, like son,” Mrs. Quinn said to herself.

Mr. Dixon’s cheeks colored, but he sat taller in his chair.

“All the game he’s got he learned from me.” Holt pointed a thumb at his chest.

“You’re the one who told him about game?” The voice behind me made my heart stop.

“Better late than never,” Mr. Dixon said.

“He likes to make an entrance,” Marlow said, kissing her brother’s cheek as he leaned over to greet her.

Baker squinted and shook her finger at Andrew. “I know you.”

He looked startled, but recognition dawned in his eyes after only a moment. “Small world,” he said dismissively.

He made the rounds before Baker could say anything further, even tickling Ella’s chin despite not knowing who she was. He handled it well when she screamed at him. “No one’s ignoring you are they, Flower?”

The only empty seat was next to me. “Bright Side,” he murmured. His leg brushed mine as he eased into the chair.

Energy zinged through me at the contact. He winked. When Andrew made the gesture, it wasn’t cliché or cheesy. It made me feel special, warming me through.

Introductions were made again, and then we ordered appetizers and pizza.

“I thought you lived in Wyoming,” I said to Holt once we all had our drinks.

“I do, but it’s been a while since I’ve been back to the city. Figured the old man missed me.”

“You know your sister doesn’t,” Andrew teased.

“This is why I avoid family dinners. I get ganged up on,” Marlow said. “Will both of you hurry up and find somebody so I won’t be the only woman anymore.” She took a long sip of her red wine.

“How old is he?” I asked, nodding toward the toddler at the head of the table.
